Page 209 of Best Friends Forever

“I can’t help but feel responsible,” Mick replied. Ayla began to interject, but Mick was determined to finish his thought. “Please let me explain. It’s just so hard for me to see anyone estranged from their parents, you know? I don’t deny that you have every right to never want to speak to them again. Especially your mom.

“But I just know how much I miss my dad. And my brother. And how I’d do anything to have one more conversation with either one of them; to hear them laugh again. To hug them. And I’ll never get that chance. Never. No matter what. And despite you having all the reason you do to not want to speak to your parents, and I understand, it’s a two-way street, and they’ve slammed the door in your face, I get all that, just the fact that they live right here, right in this neighborhood, and you could visit with them anytime you want to, but that none of you can make it happen… it’s just heartbreaking. I know it’s none of my business, I just—”

Ayla had to speak up.

“Mick, it’s totally ‘your business’. They’re your son’s grandparents. But they’ve chosen this. I never wanted this sort of relationship with them. They picked their own weird ideas of right and wrong over the love of their own daughter and grandson. I spent so many sleepless nights, while I was pregnant, crying, praying, and wishing that they’d change their minds. That I’d wake up and it would have all been some awful nightmare.

“But it wasn’t. It isn’t. I don’t regret for a second what we did, what we have. Because we

have Preston, and he’s basically perfect. The only thing I regret is not getting your name and number that first night. Or giving you mine.”

Mick lay his hand across Ayla’s lap, and she took it in both of hers.

“I’m sorry, Ayla. I respect your decision, and I applaud everything you’ve done for Preston and for yourself. You’re a fighter. You’re tough as nails. I just wish things could be different, that’s all. You deserve it.”

Ayla lifted Mick’s hand to her face and kissed it. “Thank you. We should head back, I need to get my car, it has Preston’s booster seat in it.”

They returned to Ayla’s house, where Mick offered to move the booster from Ayla’s car into his SUV.

After struggling for several minutes, while Ayla stifled a laugh, Ayla expertly installed the seat in front of a dumbfounded Mick Merryweather.

“I can field strip, clean, and reassemble an assault rifle, pack my own parachute and jump out of a plane, and—”

“But you’re stymied by a booster seat!” Ayla exclaimed, gleefully. “I’d love to watch you change a diaper.”

Mick appeared startled. “Wait— we’re beyond diapers now, right?”

Ayla doubled over in laughter. “Yes. Well past diapers.”

Mick wiped his brow in relief.

Ayla and Mick arrived at daycare to pick up Preston, who skipped out into the parking lot and stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of Mick leaning against his large, black SUV.

“Wow! I get to ride in that?”

“Sure do, buckaroo,” Ayla responded. “We put your seat in back and everything. Do you remember Mr. Mick?”

Preston reached out his fist and bumped Mick’s. “Yep. From the gas station.”

“That’s right,” Ayla said, strapping Preston into his seat. “He’s our new friend. Is it ok if he comes to dinner with us? And we have a surprise for tomorrow if you eat well.”

“Cool!” Preston shouted. “Fausto’s?”

Ayla climbed into the passenger seat and made eye contact with Mick. She shrugged her shoulders, and Mick nodded.

“Fausto’s it is, big man,” Mick said to Preston. “I’ve never eaten there, is it good?”

“It’s awesome possum!” Preston yelled, giggling.

“Preston, we’re right here,” Ayla said. “Turn your volume down, baby.”

“But this car is so big! I just have to shout!”

“Onward to Fausto’s!” Mick yelled, to Preston’s delight.

Dinner was a happy occasion all the way around. Preston ate his favorite cheese quesadilla, while Mick and Ayla went with burritos. Preston insisted they bring home carne asada tacos for Desiree, “Her favorite,” according to Preston.

At the conclusion of the meal, Preston demanded to know what surprise his mom had planned for the next day.