Page 183 of Best Friends Forever

Ayla blushed and struggled to meet his gaze. “That…wow. That was…”

Mick finished the sentence for her. “Bloody incredible, by my estimation. I don’t have the words…”

Ayla started to reply, but as her lips began to move, they became aware of voices, people approaching from the direction of the elevators.

Mick reached down and pulled up his briefs and pants, forcing his still-half-hard cock into a position where his arousal wouldn’t be quite so obvious. Ayla picked up her panties and shoved them into the small purse she’d had slung over her shoulder. They were still composing themselves when flashlight beams illuminated the spot where they stood.

“Oh my God! Are you okay?”

The voice belonged to Ayla’s best friend, Tara.

Ayla was struck dumb by surprise. Tara, Natalie, and three members of the hotel’s security team stood staring at Mick and Ayla.

“I’m…” Ayla was panicked.

“You’re under age. Just like your friends.” The oldest of the security guards said, stepping forward. “You can’t be here.”

Ayla look at Mick, then at Tara, and finally at the security man. “I’m sorry, I didn’t…”

Mick looked confused.

“Tara, I’m fine,” she assured her friend, who was eyeing Mick suspiciously.

“Well, we have to go,” Natalie said. “They’re kicking us out. Just kicking us out. We have to go before they change their minds.”

“If you’re caught in the casino, we call the police,” the security captain said. He turned his attention to Mick. “We have some questions for you, if you’ll just come with us.”

“What’s this all about?” Mick asked. “Under age?”

“Don’t worry, stud, she’s eighteen. But whatever her age, and yeah, this is Las Vegas, you still can’t have sex on the roof of the parking structure.”

The word “sex” made Ayla cringe. It made Tara stare in slack-jawed shock. Mick scratched his head and shrugged. “Victimless crime, eh mate?”

A second security guard spoke up. “We can let that go by escorting you off property. You assaulted two of our patrons in Scald, so we need to talk about that.”

“Hush, Bobby,” the captain said, cutting off his junior officer. “You three skedaddle. And don’t come back until you’re twenty-one. This was your one free pass.”

Natalie took Tara’s hand and reached for Ayla’s, pulling her away from Mick. “Let’s go, girl.”

Ayla paused, but saw the wisdom in taking the route that didn’t include getting arrested or having her parents receive a phone call from hotel security. They’d be totally mortified. She looked back at Mick longingly, and he gave her a nod. Fuck, he was handsome.

After just a few steps, Ayla could feel everything Mick had left inside her shifting around, threatening to spill out. She had the most wonderful ache deep inside.

As soon as the elevator doors closed, Tara began to speak so quickly neither Natalie nor Ayla could understand a word.


Natalie intervened. “T, slow the hell down! Look at her. You can tell what she did just by looking at her! Nobody has a glow like that unless…Well, you know. But anyway, who was he? Some model or something?”

Ayla looked at the floor of the elevator, feeling bashful. “I…I don’t know who he is.”

“What?” Tara and Natalie said in unison. The elevator stopped at their floor of the garage, but Natalie put her thumb on the “close doors” button and held it.

“These weird guys were hitting on me. You two had disappeared, and these guys came out of nowhere and were being really aggressive…”

“He has a friend?” Tara asked. “Hello!”

“No,” Ayla corrected. “Two other guys. And then he stepped in and told me they had put something in my drink. Tried to roofie me, or whatever, you know?”