Page 158 of Best Friends Forever

The door opens, but it’s not Rosa. It’s Kandy, with her big smile and notebook in hand.

“Hey guys! Great show. Mind if I ask you some questions about opening night?”

I can tell that Chelsea is hesitant, but I know if we just get this over with, we can get back to doing what we were doing. If we refuse, Kandy’s just going to go to Merrill and then it’s going to be this whole big thing and I really just want to get back to having my tongue buried in Chelsea’s pussy, so I’ll deal with the reporter.

“Yeah, of course, come on in,” I say, sitting on the arm of the couch. Kandy beams at me and flounces in to sit right next to me, between me and Chelsea. Chelsea’s glaring into the back of her head, but I send her a pleading look over Kandy’s shoulder. Just a few questions and this will all be over with. My silent communication must have worked, because Chelsea’s glare fades and she slumps back into the couch looking merely annoyed.

“So Ian, what’s it like being on tour again? Did you miss the suites and jets and tour buses?” Kandy asks, her back fully turned to Chelsea.

“That’s never really been the fun part of touring for me. I like getting out on the street, meeting the fans, connecting with real people. That’s been great so far. I love putting on a good show for my fans.”

“That’s what makes you such a legend,” Kandy says, leaning in closer to me, batting her eyes. I don’t know what game she’s playing. Chelsea’s right there and she knows about us. So she must just be trying to irritate her.

“I wouldn’t go that far,” I laugh. “I just feel really fortunate that so many people like what I do and have stuck with me through the hard times. I feel very blessed to be able to do what I love for a living.”

Kandy grins, scribbling notes down.

“But they’re definitely not all here for me. Chelsea’s got a huge following that have been really supportive of our collaboration. It’s been great finding all these new fans.”

Kandy turns around on the couch, her back now to me as she faces Chelsea. “I’m sure you’re enjoying the fame boost from being hitched to the superstar over here, huh?”

I frown, my brow furrowing. For one, Chelsea’s probably a bigger name than I am. For two, that’s not even a question she can really answer.

“Uh… Yeah, Ian’s fans have really opened their arms to me. There’s normally some animosity between country and rock fans, but everyone’s been amazing and the response has been fabulous.”

“And what do you say to the rumors that you’re just with Ian to edge up your good-girl image some?” Kandy probes, her voice so sweet it’s turning bitter. It’s crazy to suggest that Chelsea’s using me for her image when this whole thing

started so I could use her for my image. Not that Kandy ever found it fit to ask me about that.

But I remember Chelsea getting angry earlier, telling me not to fight her battles for her, so I don’t say anything even though I want to.

“I’d say those rumors are completely ridiculous. There are a million other ways for me to edge up my image if that’s what I was trying to achieve.”

“I see,” Kandy says, clearly not sounding convinced as she hastily scribbles in her notebook.

“So why did you come back on tour after so long? And are you worried about it hurting your family more?”

“Excuse me?” Chelsea squeaks, her eyes wide, anger flushing her cheeks.

“You do know, speculation is that your brother overdosed after you brought him on tour with you and that your entire family blames you for his death. Surely they’re not happy about you being on the road again in this world, inviting that lifestyle back in…” Kandy trails off, but I hear the implication. I’m “that lifestyle.” I’m almost positive.

Chelsea looks positively shell-shocked though. Her mouth is hanging agape, her eyes wide and unblinking like she just saw a catastrophe she can’t quite make sense of. But I’ve had enough. Maybe she’ll be mad at me later for doing something, but I can’t sit here and do nothing.

“All right, that’s enough. I think you’ve got enough for this interview, Kandy. Maybe we’ll have time for more questions when you’re in a better mood.”

Kandy whips around to face me, her eyes blazing bright, but her smile plastered on.

“I’m sorry, was that too much? It’s the job, you know. Fans want all the juicy details.”

I’m standing and I cross the room to open the door, gesturing the way out for her. “And we’re happy to provide those details when we see fit, but you don’t need to be so nasty about it. And Chelsea’s fame doesn’t deny her the right to some privacy. So thank you for coming to talk with us, but you’re done for tonight.”

Kandy’s jaw drops and then snaps closed. Her eyes harden, but then she gives me a smile that sends uneasy chills all the way to my toes.

“Of course. I’m sorry I overstepped. I’ll see you two soon,” she says, leaving the room with a friendly little wave that only makes me angrier.

As soon as I close the door I’m apologizing. “I’m sorry, Chelsea, I know you can fight your own battles, but I just couldn’t sit here and listen to her disrespect you like—”

I’m slammed into the wall and then Chelsea’s kissing me for all she’s worth. Faster than a blink, she’s on the floor on her knees, practically ripping my pants off and pulling my cock out. Her hand is soft and smooth, but her grip is firm as she strokes my length from root to tip. It feels so good I forget how to breathe for a moment, sinking back against the door, my head back, my eyes closed.