“Not allowed to talk about it!” I object, joking thinly. “Trademarked move, you know. Has to stay a secret.”

“Mmmmm, yes,” she sighs deeply, her breath opening her robe even further. I can smell her from where I’m sitting. I feel my cock dripping against my leg. I need to get out of here and begin to stand, mumbling something about going to the grocery store. Her fingers reach out and catch my wrist gently, stopping me in my tracks.

“We should make a pact,” she says hurriedly, smiling shyly.

I’m not pulling too hard to get away, but I am rooted to the spot by her gentle touch.

“A pact? What kind of pact?”

“Oh, you know,” she grins as she rises, clutching her robe closed over her chest as she moves to drop her used coffee cup in the sink. “Like… If we don’t find someone else. If things don’t work out.”

I can still see her hips moving underneath that fluffy thick pink fabric. How did it go by so fast?

“What are you talking about? We still have got finals… Next semester…”

She turns around, pressing her lips together apologetically.

“Well, see, I got a job offer. In Albany.”

I shake my head. “What are you talking about? You didn’t even graduate yet.”

“Oh, I’ve only got this semester,” she shrugs. “I did all that AP work in high school, so… I’m graduating at the end of this term. And Buckminster Engineering got my resume. Offered me a position…”

My thoughts are all confused, swirling around each other, making a hell of a noise between my ears.

“You’ve been sending out resumes? Why didn’t you tell me? To New York?”

“You should probably be happy for me,” she smirks. “You should probably be telling me congratulations.”

She breezes past me toward the bedroom, leaving me to follow behind, confused and sputtering with my hard-on bouncing inside my boxer shorts like some kind of cartoon character.

“Well, congratulations, yeah,” I mumble. “That’s great. That’s amazing. Project manager?”

She opens the closet door and stands behind it demurely, but my dick knows that she is undressing. I fold my hands over my crotch, shoving my dick out of the way so it doesn’t manage to poke out of the fly. That would just be perfect.

“Well… Account manager? But it’s a start. It’s a good job. I’m excited.”

She sweeps out from behind the closet door in a blue T-shirt and cutoff shorts that expose the bottom of her derrière when she leans over to hunt for her tennis shoes behind the nightstand. Why are they behind the nightstand? No one will ever know. That’s just part of the mystery of Penny.

“That’s amazing,” I agree grudgingly. “So you’re leaving. At the end of the semester. In the middle of winter.”

She pulls out the shoes and bounces on the edge of the rumpled bedsheets to slip one onto her bare foot.

“You’ll find a new roommate in a heartbeat,” she assures me. “Actually, why don’t you start posting signs now? Get ahead of the rush. Or even start sending out resumes? If it worked for me it is certainly going to work for you, Mr. 4.0.”

“Yeah… I suppose it could all work out for me too,” I answer distractedly. I’m not convinced, but it seems like the right thing to say.

She stands up from the bed and walks over to me carefully, slipping her fingers into my hands and staring up into my face. It’s hard to look at her right now.

“Of course it’s all going to work out for you,” she murmurs gently. “You’re amazing. One in a million, Clay. That’s why we should have a pact.”

“A pact.”

“Right! Like… in fifteen years, if we don’t find our perfect true love, we will find each other.”

“In fifteen years? Who knows where we are going to be?”

She widens her eyes dramatically. “Right? You could be in Japan. I could be the queen of Czechoslovakia. The future is limitless.”