Page 118 of Best Friends Forever

eating them. As I finished the last one, she moved to the fridge and came back with a can of whipped cream. I blinked away the thoughts forming in my brain, reminding myself there would be no opportunity to indulge in more carnal uses of the dessert topping today.

Maybe tonight.

Or not. I didn’t know where we stood. Was I still a casual fling for Ben, or did he actually care about me? I had no idea, and not knowing was almost as bad as finding out he didn’t for certain. I would rather live in uncertainty, I decided. Even if it was only a fantasy.

When we had breakfast ready, Elle picked up the tray carefully, and I followed behind with two other plates of pancakes. When we entered the living room, he was still asleep, and I went first to ensure the afghan still covered him.

“Surprise, Daddy,” cried Elle as she set down the tray on the coffee table with a clatter that knocked one of the bottled OJs sideways. Nothing spilled, and the pancakes remained intact, aside from a single berry sliding downward to land on the white plate.

Ben’s eyes opened, and he seemed immediately clearheaded. I wondered how to remind him he was naked, but he must have remembered, because he sat up smoothly, keeping the blanket tucked strategically. “What’s all this?”

“We made you breakfast in bed. Sort of.” Elle giggled.

It must have been as delightful a sound to him as it was me, because he grinned at her before sending me a happy look. I mirrored it and let out a breath I hadn’t realized I held until then. I must have been nervous about his morning reaction, especially since he’d been so open with me last night.

“I’m not sure what I did to deserve this, but thank you, both.”

“It’s ‘cause we love you, Daddy.”

He smiled at her, but there was a question in his gaze when his eyes met mine. “Really?”

“Of course,” said Elle as she attacked her pancakes.

I chose the easy way out and didn’t answer. My pancakes needed my full attention, and I scrutinized them closely for the next ten minutes, though I forgot to take more than a couple of bites.

“Elle, now that you’ve finished, why don’t you run up and get dressed. We’ll do something fun today.”

I looked up in time to see her grin. “As a family?”

It made my heart stutter when he nodded. “Absolutely.”

With a whoop of excitement, she sped up the stairs.

I busied myself with the auspices of gathering her empty plate and stacking it under mine. I glanced at him while waving at his plate. “Are you finished?”

He nodded, not moving as I edged around the table to add the plates I held to his tray. As soon as I came into his reach, he pulled me down onto his lap and pressed his face against my hair. “Good morning,” he whispered.

“Morning. I should get dressed if we’re going out.”

His arms loosened slightly, but he didn’t let me go completely. Ben turned me in his arms a bit, so I was looking at him. “She seems happier today.”

I nodded. “She’s more secure.”

“I know what could make her feel even surer.”

“Hmm?” I lost myself in the warmth of his eyes for a moment.

“Let’s get married.”

Chapter 18


She jumped off my lap like I’d scalded her, leaving me staring at her in shock as she messed around with the dishes and lifted the tray. “Did you hear me?”

Lindsay frowned at me. “Of course, but don’t be ridiculous. You don’t have to do anything out of obligation. Elle will realize I’m here as long as you want me to be. Marriages of convenience went out years ago.”

With that, she turned away from me and stalked out of the room. I heard some clattering dishes in the kitchen before I saw her reemerge and head straight for the stairs. Running a hand through my hair, I tried to figure out where I’d gone wrong.