In one swift motion, using muscles that were more suited to throwing hay bales and roping cows, I pulled myself up and scooped her up off the chaise, throwing her over my shoulder. Meredith screamed in surprise before bursting out laughing, slapping my shoulders and squirming.

“Put me down! You sandbagger! Scoundrel! Villain!” she yelled, still trying to twist out of my arms. I held her tight and gave her a good slap on her backside.

She gave another yelp.

“Honey, this ain’t my first drive. I know how to get you where I want you.”

I walked all the way to the French door, with relatively less struggle and more giggles from the load over my shoulder.

“I feel like my ass is hanging out,” she said attempting to reach behind and pull my shirt down lower to cover her.

I gave her a soft kiss just below where I slapped, “Oh, darling it is. And it’s a pretty sight to behold.”

I pushed open both doors at the same time, making a very grand entrance into my own home. Just as I stepped in I heard a very different woman scream.

I immediately dropped Meredith to the grown and swung her behind me protectively.

“Oh shit,” Meredith muttered under her breath peaking around me.

I watched as Mrs. Claire turned and ran down the hallway. I couldn’t help but laugh some more, mostly out of nervousness.

Meredith’s cheeks turned a deep red and a look of horror crossed her face. “Crap, I thought you said there was no one around for miles! Who the hell was that you just flashed my bare ass to?”


“That was Mrs. Claire, my housekeeper. I’m sure she’ll be okay,” I replied, grabbing her hand and leading her towards the stairway.

“Really?” She cocked an eyebrow and gave me an “explain yourself” look.

“So this is a pretty common sight for your housekeeper? She is use to bare-ass cattle-wrangling?”

“No, can’t say that she is. But there’s a first time for everything. Besides, Mrs. Claire has already been subjected to a peek or two of me over the years. She’s pretty great at patching me up when a horse kicks me in the back or a roll of barbed wire goes slashing through my arm. Figure she was happy to see any ass that wasn’t mine.”

“Oh, so she is that kind of housekeeper? I hope I don’t step out of the shower to find a jealous housekeeper waiting for me with a butcher knife!”

“Nothing like that, I promise!” I answered, smiling down at her as we finally stepped through the bathroom door.

I swung Meredith around and hoisted her up on the bathroom counter. Taking the opportunity to step between her legs, I reached my hands around behind her back and gripping her backside. I kissed her, more slowly then last night, tightening a little when she fitted herself so perfectly against my chest.

It was almost painful to step away, but I moved over to the glass-walled shower and turned on the water. Almost instantly, steam began to speckle the glass. When I stepped back in front of Meredith, she looked over my shoulder at the foggy shower with an unreadable expression.

“What, the steam? That’s the solar hot water heater I told you about yesterday. It’s on the roof right above us, makes the water get hot almost instantly. It’s gonna feel great, I promise.”

I slipped the last of my clothes off and stood before her bare. I let her look up and down me. Already I was thick and hard for her. She bit her lip just how I liked it. Walking to her, she let me slip my shirt off of her, pooling around her hips.

I picked her up, guiding her legs around my waist and sliding my hands beneath her. She felt so weightless against my body. She nibbled and kissed my neck as we made our way to the shower giving me a rush of pleasure.

When the first splash of warm water hit us, it was like falling into a goose-down comforter. Meredith slid her legs down my wet skin until she was standing in front of me, her lips following until she had worked her way to my chest. I traced lines of watery rivulets down her back, holding her close as the water moved over and between us.

She yelped slightly, her mouth still pressed to my skin, when I pushed her back against the cold marble. I warmed her by covering her with my own body, holding her tight until she stopped shivering. I leaned down and kissed her, feeling the heat of her mouth against my own.

“I thought the whole point of a shower was to get clean,” Meredith purred, looking up at me through her lashes. “But suddenly, I’m feeling pretty dirty.”

“Is that so? Then you’ll just have to stay in here till I’ve got you good and cleaned up,” I answered, reaching behind her for the soap.

I lathered my hands and drew my fingertips down her back slowly, filling in the circles with the scent from the bubbles. She leaned against my chest, bowing her back under my touch, and then arching it instead when my hands came together in between us. She leaned back against the wall again, pushing her full breasts towards my eager hands.

“You’re absolutely a sight, did you know that?” I asked, my eyes glowing with hunger as I took in the look of her pink nipples between my slick fingers. “You’re so damn hot.”