“Oh, that sounds amazing,” I sigh, listening to my stomach immediately start to grumble. “How is he? How is his head?”

“Practically back to showroom finish,” she quips distractedly. I hear pots banging in the background.

“Seriously? Can I talk to him?”

“Yeah… In a minute. How was it? You haven’t said anything! Was it fun? Was he there?”

“Yes…” I repeat shyly.

“And was it amazing? Did he sweep you off your feet? Were you guys wrapped up in a shower of fairytale glitter and stuff? Is he naked in your bed right now?”

“Jesus, Wanda!”

“What! You just traveled halfway across the country to try to meet up with the man that got away. I just want an update. Is that so wrong?”

I take a deep breath, then pause. “He was… fine. He’s different.”

I’m not sure what to tell her. I probably shouldn’t ever have mentioned Clay at all, but his name has sort of come up from time to time. Maybe just as an excuse to keep from dating sometimes when Wanda was pressuring me. Maybe more than that. I don’t know. Now I wish I hadn’t said anything.

“Different how? Is he gay? Is he ugly?”

“No, definitely not ugly,” I answer, remembering him vividly. Those muscles under that suit, so unexpected! Where did those even come from? He used to be so shy, now he’s all strength and confidence. The guy I knew has disappeared, replaced with this.

“Penny? Are you still there?”

“Yeah! Sorry, just distracted. I think housekeeping is in the hallway.”

“So how is he different? Married?”

I shrug, trying to piece it together for her. “Well for one thing, he’s gorgeous. But he’s… He’s just not… He says he isn’t a commitment guy. He’s a ladies’ man now, or something.”

“Oh no!” she bawls. “He’s a douche! I’m so sorry! Your Prince Charming turned into a douche!”

“He’s not a douche, Wanda, he’s just a—”

“Man, that sucks,” she continues, undeterred. “You’ve been carrying a torch for him all this time, and now he’s just some sleazy asshole in southern Illinois. What a bummer.”

“Wait, I didn’t say—”

“Did he even mention the pact?”

I swallow uncomfortably. “Well, no.”

“No,” she repeats. I can hear the judgment in her voice.

“I think he forgot.”

“He forgot.”

“Wanda, you can’t just keep repeating everything I say back to me. It’s freaking me out.”

“Okay, how about this: he’s a douche!”

“Oh, come on,” I sigh.

“Some guys, it just comes out eventually! They just go full douche! There is nothing you can do!”

“Okay, okay, okay,” I interrupt, getting louder. “So, hey! Listen! I called you for reason, okay? Are you there?”