Everybody stands up, shaking hands and beginning small talk as they start to file out of the conference room. Nathan starts clapping people on the shoulder, blissfully unaware of how uncomfortable he’s making them. It must be so wonderful to be a man sometimes. If I ran around assaulting strangers, they’d probably lock me up.

Corrine approaches, extending her hand. I shake it gratefully, beyond pleased.

“That really was an outstanding presentation,” she says in a low, confidential voice. “So much of what people show us takes absolutely no risks at all. It’s refreshing to see something so brazenly new. Is this all your work?”

“All my work?” I repeat stupidly, then immediately curse myself for not having a more elegant answer to offer.

“The green spaces, the recycled materials, the energy surplus… That’s you? You seemed to speak with such passion about it.”

“Oh, yes!” I nod avidly. “I’ve just been dying for development like this, to be perfectly honest. Not every location has the possibility of a wind farm and solar. I really got to stretch my wings on this one.”

She smiles, warmly, I think. Actually, her face barely moves, but I can see it in her eyes.

“I am really looking forward to working together,” she nods. “We’ll be seeing each other soon.”

“Penny is one of our rising stars!” Nathan barks, making Corinne harden immediate

ly. “She does really good work. Thanks for coming by, Corrine!”

My mouth just pops open in disbelief as Corinne and the rest of the investors leave the room. Nathan stands there are all puffed up and proud, rocking back and forth like an old-timey, small-town mayor.

“What? What’s wrong with you?” He scowls when he sees my face.

“A rising star, Nathan? Are you kidding me? After fifteen years?”

“Well, yeah…” He shrugs uncomfortably. “Keep this up and you’ll have your own project one of these days.”

My stomach drops. “Wait… This is my project, Nathan. This is it. This is me. What are you talking about?”

He grimaces and raises his hands in the air in a dramatic, exaggerated shrug.

“Is it, though? I mean, this is the big time. I think I should take this one, okay? I don’t want to lose these investors.”

“Lose the… what? We’re not losing anything! I got them! They are coming with us!”

Nathan claps his hand on my shoulder, squeezing and jostling me back and forth as he simultaneously aims me toward the door.

“Next time, kid, I promise.” He sighs as though the decision is beyond his control, out of his hands, already etched in stone. “Maybe you can head up a cul-de-sac or something, sort of toward the end. Phase 4 or something. How would you like that?”

My mouth opens and closes helplessly, but I do manage to twist away from his clammy manhandling. I know anything I say will bounce back to me three- or fourfold, and not in a good way. If I object, I’m being hysterical. If I say nothing, I’m being a wimp and reaffirming his instincts about me.

I thought that putting together a killer presentation was going to be my winning move, but now it seems like I just basically did all his homework for him. He’s going to take the win, and not even remember how he got there.

“It’s Friday. Why don’t you cut out early?” he suggests gamely. “The materials guys are going for margaritas. I could really use one, but the wife… You know how it is. Why don’t you have one for me? Take the company card.”

Some bribe, I think sourly. I mean, I’m totally going to do it, but it’s a pretty weak payoff.

When I get back to my cube, my cell phone is all lit up and turning in a half circle as it vibrates. I thumb the face to connect the call and turn away from Nathan, happy to have a way out.

“Wanda? Hey, what’s up?”

“Jesus, I’ve been trying to get you for hours. Where have you been?”

I look around the fluorescently-brilliant room, gesturing helplessly at something Wanda can’t even see.

“Where have I been? At work? Where I always am?”

Her voice is distracted and brittle. I think she’s driving. I’m on speakerphone.