Page 133 of Best Friends Forever

“Rosa, I didn’t know you were here,” Chelsea says, sitting up straight, pulling on a mask of professionalism in two seconds flat.

“You weren’t answering your phone. You have an appointment. Did you forget?”

Chelsea’s eyes dart to the clock and she jumps to her feet. “Crap! Yes, I’m sorry. Give me ten minutes to get changed.”

Rosa—her manager, I presume—gives her a stone-faced look, her arms folded, giving Chelsea a curt nod as she darts out of the studio. Then she turns that ice-cold look to me, nothing but disappointment in her hard eyes. I don’t know what the hell that’s about, but I don’t like it.

“Guess I should be going then,” I say, snatching up my notebook and tucking it in my pocket. Rosa doesn’t say anything, just holds the door open with her body, giving me a total ‘any fucking time’ attitude.

By the time I’m back to my car, I’ve got a text from Chelsea, saying we should try working on lyrics again tomorrow before we start recording. I already can’t wait to see her again and fire off my response far too quickly.

Chapter 6


It’s a date, his text back says, and I can’t help the smile that creeps up. I didn’t really know what to expect before meeting with Ian today. I knew his reputation and I knew the kind of guy I thought he was, but the real Ian surprised me.

Not only is he incredibly talented, but he’s down-to-earth. He’s goofy in a way that makes my heart flutter, and he looks at me with this intensity that makes me feel like he’s seeing all of me.

Yeah, his line about x-ray eyes didn’t feel that far off the mark at all. I still can’t believe I agreed to do the song with that subject matter. It’s like I want to torture myself with something I can’t—and shouldn’t—have.

But I had fun with him, and that was way more than I was expecting, so I’m in a pretty damn good mood as I leave the studio, Rosa close on my heels.

“I shouldn’t have to hunt you down to make sure you adhere to your schedule, Chelsea,” she says sharply.

My jaw and shoulders tighten at the same time. She may be my manager, but I think sometimes Rosa forgets that she works for me, not the other way around.

“I lost track of time,” I say, not wanting to start a big thing right now and kill the good mood Ian left me with.

“Yeah, I saw how hard you were working,” she says bitterly.

I stop and whirl to face her in the middle of the parking lot, not even caring if there’s anyone else around to see it. “And what is that supposed to mean?”

Rosa seems surprised by my anger and backtracks a step, looking less angry and more concerned. “It means that I don’t want you to forget what a bad influence Ian Monroe can be.”

“Have you forgotten that you’re the one that wanted me to work with him?” I say, my voice nearly a shriek. I’m getting too defensive and Rosa can tell. I take a deep breath, trying to get rid of the angry shakes rumbling through me.

“It’s a good opportunity for you to cross genres,” she says. “But we’ve worked too hard to cultivate your good-girl image. The last thing we need is for some bad boy to come along and ruin it all.”

“I didn’t cultivate anything. I am a good girl. And you know that, so why don’t you do you job and let me do mine?”

I can tell she’s taken aback, and she shakes her head. “Just be careful, will you?”

I sigh. I know she’s only looking out for what’s best for my career. “Yeah, I’ll be careful.”

“Good. I’ll see you at the studio tomorrow.”

I climb into my car without another word, turning up the radio as loud as it will go as I pull out of the parking lot and onto the highway.

I know what I’m doing with Ian. I know not to let him get too close.

It’s a date, his text plays back in my mind, sending a fresh little thrill through me. I imagine his smoky voice saying the words and shiver.

Okay, so maybe I am a little out of my depth with Ian, but is that such a bad thing? He’s not what I expected at all. He certainly didn’t seem like a guy fiending for his next hit. And the idea that he could ruin me… Well…

That thought sends tingles between my thighs and I clamp my legs together against the onslaught. Being ruined by Ian didn’t sound half as bad as it should. Watching him play did things to me that no one’s done since Jamie. And really, that comparison is an insult to Ian. Jamie was just a teenage infatuation. He never made me laugh the way Ian did today. He never made my whole body twang with the need for his touch. He never turned me on like this just with a heated look.

Ian’s on a whole other level, and it’s one I’m not really sure how to navigate.