Page 42 of A Hint of Scandal

He tugged her lower lip with his teeth, sending frissons of sensations down her spine. She pushed him with the little strength she could muster. “Is it because she made a mistake? Because she disrupted your plans? Because—”

An almost pained sound erupted from his throat, a cross between a groan and a growl. “Because you ruined everything.” She wanted the truth and it blazed out of his glittering gaze. It glided over her skin, drowning every inch of her in it. “She’s your twin. She looks like you. I can’t look at her and not think of you. If I stayed with her, I would have to take her to my bed, have sex with her while all I can think of would be you.” It was as if he was forcing himself to utter the very words he found so distasteful. “You think I’m so immune to everything that I’d have no problem with that?”

His admission spun around them, cocooning them in their own desires. It blasted the last of her defenses, rendering her immobile. There it was, everything she wanted to hear from him from the minute she had faced the inevitable truth of her own attraction. The words seeped into her blood, exploded behind her eyes, clogged her thinking.

His grip tightened over her hips and he lifted her onto the glass table. If there was even a semblance of control before, it was all gone now. She had asked for the truth and she had to pay the price now.

His gaze glittering with desire, he bent his head while his hand at her back held her. And sucked her nipple through the thin cotton. Her knees jelly, Liv sunk her hands into his hair, as he repeated the action. Arrows of pleasure zoomed straight to her sex and she clenched her thighs together.

He didn’t let her. As though he could read her mind, his hands crept up her thighs under her dress, pushed the ridiculous thong she was wearing out of the way. She opened her mouth and gasped as his fingers parted her, and rubbed against her clitoris.

“Open your eyes and look at me,” he ordered, his words gravelly.

She did. She would have done anything he asked of her at that moment. Need glittered in his blue gaze. He crushed her mouth with his again, his tongue caressing the insides. Putty in his hands, she didn’t realize he had undone the knot at her neck until his tongue swiped over one rigid nipple while his fingers moved with sure intent over her sex, slow and fast. A million nerve endings stroked to life, she let out a throaty moan, her skin too hot and too tight. His clever fingers pulled, and stroked, and rubbed her tender flesh, she felt her muscles tighten, her breath stuck in her...

And suddenly he stopped.

She thought she would die. Until his long fingers teased her throbbing flesh again.

Every time she was close to her climax, every time she thought she would come apart, he slowed the pressure of his fingers, dragged his mouth upward to her neck until she fell from the dizzying heights he drove her to, frustrated and in sheer agony. Pleasure sizzled on her skin, quivered in her sex muscles, was so close that she could taste it on her tongue yet so far that she wondered if she would jump out of her skin. It was incredibly unfair, she thought in a haze, in a minute she would straighten, she would walk away...

Until he pushed a finger into her wet center and started the torment all over again. A swipe of his tongue over her nipple, there and yet gone in a second, a smooth glide of his thumb over her clit, enough but not enough...

“Oh...” she moaned, a sob rising in her throat. “You’re...”

He laughed against the curve of her breast, his tongue licking erotic paths around the hard nipples aching for his touch. “Ask nicely, Olivia,” he said, his words rolling over each other, his voice sounding drunk and hoarse.

She palmed his face and kissed him, the sinuous taste of him pulling her deeper. “Please, Alexander, I can’t bear it...”

Just when she thought he would never stop punishing her, he pulled her nipple deep into his mouth. His teeth tugged at the hard nub while his fingers tightened on the exact place she needed them to.

She cried his name as her muscles contracted tight and released, her skin sizzled. Lights exploded behind her eyes, her body quaking and trembling.

He pulled her closer and pushed her hair from her forehead. He gently held her boneless body. His lips curved into a tight smile against her temple, his muscles under her hands bunched incredibly tight. “Now that I’ve touched you, I need to see you, taste you.”

The most delicious shiver climbed up her spine at the dark promise in his words. She knew what he was doing. He was driving her crazy, pushing her to the edge, tormenting her for demanding the truth. She pulled his shirt out of his trousers and snuck her hands in. “No. I want touch you, too, I want to...”