“Yes, he is. Allonshire is a unique home.”

“I wasn’t speaking of Allonshire.”

“He also has many people who care for him.” Alex gave, him a challenging look.

“And a breathtakingly beautiful, very loyal wife,” Sebastian added lightly.

“We are both lucky.” She’d be damned if she would give Sebastian the satisfaction of being privy to her torment.

“I agree. Especially since you came so close to death, but managed to escape it.” He gave her a casual yet curious look. “I never did actually hear the details of your heroic survival. What did happen? We received word that La Belle Illusion had been attacked and destroyed, that there were no survivors.”

Alex felt somewhat relieved that they were on a safer, less personal subject.

She nodded. “Your information was correct, for the most part. We were attacked, and La Belle was destroyed, just after we left Lake Ontario. Fortunately Drake’s quick thinking resulted in a total evacuation of the ship without any loss of life.”

“I see.” Sebastian looked thoughtful. “Was the American ship that far superior to La Belle Illusion, then?”

“Yes … and no.” Alex chewed her lip thoughtfully. “The enemy ship was much larger and with a good deal more firepower, but for some reason our cannons were unable to span the distance between us.” She shrugged. “I suppose the wind was against us and we were unable to get close enough.”

“Yes, I suppose.”

“I feel dreadful about La Belle Illusion. I know how much Drake loved that ship.”

“It was only a ship, Alexandria.” Sebastian sounded amused. “And ships cannot keep you warm at night.”

Again Alex was annoyed by the flippancy of his response. “I really do have to change.”

He stopped her with his hand on her arm. “Does Drake?”

She stared up at him. “Does Drake … what?”

“Keep you warm at night.”

Furious color stained Alex’s cheeks. “Kindly take your hand off my arm and allow me to pass,” she managed. “I have no intention of answering such a question!”

His gaze swept over her again before he released her. Her features were flawless, her body a man’s dream. She was intelligent and witty, and she had fire, as well. He could just imagine her in bed … his bed.

“Because if he doesn’t, or if you ever choose not to let him, I would like nothing better than—”

Alex jerked her arm away, lifted her skirts, and practically flew up the steps to the conservatory door. She faced him again, her hand on the door.

“Sebastian, you are my husband’s brother. For that reason I am going to forget we had this conversation. But I suggest that you remember this. I am married to Drake, and I would do nothing to dishonor or hurt him in any way.” She slammed the door behind her.

Sebastian grinned as the sound echoed throughout the cavernous room. She was even more passionate than he had dared to hope. Acquiring her would be a challenge worth savoring.

Well, Drake, he thought with a smug smile. Father is gone. With better luck and more skillful planning, you will soon follow. And then, my dear brother, all of this will be mine.

Your title. Your home.

Your wife.

Death pervaded the air.

The choir was still as the dignified bishop concluded the service. Alex shuddered, raising her head to look around. She had not been prepared for the swarms of nobility who had arrived at the majestic church, filling it to capacity.

Soon the mourning coaches would depart from the service, carrying Grayson Barrett to the family cemetery at Allonshire, where he would be laid to rest beside his wife. At that moment life felt very fragile and precious to Alex, her own mortality very real.

Drake had been strong throughout the ordeal of the day. Samantha leaned against his other side, clenching her handkerchief, fighting for the control that she had been taught to manifest to the world. Sebastian remained expressionless beside her, his pale eyes roving restlessly about the room, as though memorizing the list of those in attendance.