The men hauled the cannons inboard and opened the gunports, then stacked the cartridges alongside the guns as they waited tensely for Drake’s next order.

Alex stood, horrified, on the main deck, witnessing the scene around her. “Oh, my God,” she whispered, pressing her hand to her mouth.

Thomas Greer spun about. “Miss Alex! You should not be up here! We’re about t’ do battle!”

“Yes, Thomas, I can see that.” She was overcome by fear and by frustration. She might be a woman, but surely there was something she could do to help.

She hurried to the quarterdeck where Drake was maneuvering the ship rapidly downriver.

“Drake!” She flew up beside him. “What can I do?”

“Damn you!” He spat out the words, determined to avert the danger that loomed behind them. “I told you to stay below! Do I have to beat you into obedience?”

Alex looked stunned, then defensive. “We are about to be attacked! I thought …”

“You thought? No, damn it, Alexandria, you didn’t think! You just acted, as always!” A muscle worked in his jaw, which was clenched in fury. He wiped the spray from his face impatiently. “Now get off my quarterdeck before you get yourself killed!” When she hesitated, he barked, “Now, wife!”

She had never felt more like chattel. Turning around, she retreated to the main deck without another word.

Drake gritted his teeth. He knew he had hurt her. But at least his harsh words had forced her below to safety.

Alex had no intention of going anywhere.

She made her way along the main deck, watching as the small crew worked frantically to ready the cannons. She bit her lip, cursing her lack of knowledge and experience, as the straining, sweating men prepared to fight for their lives.

The ominous white sails of the enemy ship loomed closer. Alex could make out the American crew as they manned their guns. The futility of the situation struck her like a violent blow as she counted the men and gunports of the vessel that would soon be upon them. How could Drake ever hope to emerge victorious?

“Cochran! Where the ’ell are the rest of those cartridges?” Jamison demanded, searching the deck.

“Mannings is below, filling ’em with powder.” Cochran glanced toward the open hatch at the top of the hold. “He should be passin’ ’em up any second.”

Jamison swore under his breath. “Who the ’ell is goin’ t’ get ’em? We’ve got t’ reload within a hairbreadth! There’s no time for us t’ run back t’ fetch ’em!”

Before Cochran could respond, thunder exploded through the air, followed by huge sprays, of water that swept the decks as the ship rolled wildly.

“They’ve missed us!” Thomas Greer shouted.

Alex looked up and fought back a scream, realizing that the Americans were now directly parallel to La Belle Illusion and that the tremendous explosion of a moment ago had been cannon fire.

“Ready the larboard guns!” Drake’s voice boomed out.

Instantly the men loaded their cannons. First, a cartridge of powder was rammed down the barrel. Three good strokes of the rammer put home a wad of rope yarn. Next, the lethal ball itself was snugged up against the wad by the rammer. Finally, another wad was put home, leaving no space between the powder cartridge and the last wad. The touchhole was filled with powder and the guns aimed at their target.

“Larboard guns, ready, Cap’n!” Cochran called out.

Less than a minute had passed since the command had been given. Poised, the crew waited, knowing what came next.

“Larboard guns, fire!”

Alex said a silent prayer as the men blew upon their linstocks and ignited the cartridges through the touchholes of their guns.

The impact sent Alex sprawling to the deck. The mighty cannons boomed out, rolling backward from the force of their fire, yet held fast by the breeching rope that tied them securely to the ship. Alex recovered in time to see the balls fall into the water, far short of their target.

“God damn it!” Drake roared from the helm. “How many chances

do you think we’re going to get? Your range is short! Increase the elevation of those blasted guns!” He grimly noted that the Americans were preparing to fire again. “I’ll dodge their fire and get in closer. And this time, don’t miss!”

The men were already finished reloading, and Alex heard them muttering among themselves.