“You are quite right, Samantha. Drake has certainly had ample opportunity to select a wife. But a man of his great wealth and position must choose wisely.” She gave Alex’s arm a squeeze. “Apparently he did just that.” She led Alex over to the tufted sofa. “Now, please come sit down and relax.” She shot an annoyed look at the other occupants of the room. “Our intent is to welcome you, not to make you uncomfortable. Isn’t that right, ladies?”

Five heads nodded reluctantly. After that, the conversation went on to the newest fashions, the latest gossip about who was involved with whom, and the upcoming Christmas parties they would be attending.

Alex wished fervently that she were back on her island with Drake.

“Your new stallion is a beauty, Drake.” Eric Ravensley stroked the glossy neck of the proud black horse that stood in dignified silence, waiting to be mounted.

“So, I hear, is his new wife,” Stephen Lyndale chimed in with a twinkle.

“You hear correctly, Stephen,” Sebastian replied instantly. “Alexandria is an exquisite and noteworthy acquisition for my brother. She is a rare combination of grace and breeding.”

“Alexandria is a woman, not a horse, Sebastian.” Drake’s tone was cutting, his anger generated by the patronizing words and the damned intimate tone of his brother’s voice.

Alex might think him unaware of Sebastian’s ogling, but he was not. He was uncertain whether Sebastian’s interest in Alex stemmed from jealousy or lust. Either way, Drake saw red whenever he caught his brother staring at her with that predatory gleam in his eye. If Sebastian ever so much as touched Alex, Drake would kill him.

He turned cold green eyes to where Sebastian stood, preparing to mount his mare for their morning ride. Sebastian felt Drake’s stare, but chose to ignore it, swinging himself into the saddle.

Stephen cleared his throat, breaking the heavy silence. Drake’s antipathy toward his brother was well known, and in truth no one blamed him for it. Sebastian was neither liked nor trusted by any of the men, but out of respect for Drake, he was not shunned.

“We are looking forward to meeting this mysterious lady who has finally put an end to your days as an eligible bachelor,” Stephen teased, mounting his own chestnut mare.

Drake nodded his dismissal to the groom who had escorted the handsome thoroughbred out of the stables. With the easy grace that accompanied all of his movements Drake swung himself into the heavy leather saddle and absently stroked the horse’s neck.

“You will have ample opportunity to meet Alexandria this evening,” he told Stephen. He flashed him a quick smile. “I don’t think you will be disappointed.”

The men laughed, good humor restored, dissolving the tension of the last few minutes. The crisp fall day was perfect for riding, and Drake found himself anticipating the exercise with a great deal of enthusiasm. The vast grounds of Allonshire spread out before them, the immaculately trimmed hedges and numerous fences providing the perfect hurdles for jumping. Jupiter, his prize thoroughbred, had been well trained for such a romp, and the blood-horse now pranced with excitement as he awaited Drake’s commands.

Drake’s gentle slapping of the reins began the jaunt at a relaxed pace, and soon all were riding in companionable silence.

Sebastian stared at his brother’s broad-shouldered back with undisguised hatred. Even on a casual outing, the men automatically followed Drake’s lead. There was something about him that commanded respect and spoke of leadership and power.

But not for long.

Sebastian walked his horse slowly, falling into step beside Lord Reginald Kensgate. The older, silver-haired man was not as quick as the younger men, and, had fallen some distance behind the other riders—a distance that Sebastian took good advantage of.

“Hello, Reginald. It’s been a while,” he greeted him cheerfully.

Lord Kensgate swallowed deeply, the familiar pain constricting his chest and making breathing difficult.

“I have nothing to say to you, Barrett. Nothing at all.”

Sebastian raised his dark brows in mock surprise. “Now, is that any way to speak to a dear friend?”

Reginald’s glance was withering. “We are anything but friends, Sebastian. It sickens me that I was weak enough to succumb to your vicious blackmail in the past. It will torture my conscience for the rest of my life.”

“Such theatrics, Reginald.” Sebastian shook his head. “It does not become you at all. And words like ‘blackmail’ are so ugly. I prefer to think of it as a shrewd business deal.”

“A business deal?” Lord Kensgate looked ill. “You have a diseased mind. Thank God your father is not alive to see what you have become.”

“You were willing to help me,” Sebastian reminded him with a cold smile. “Remember that.”

“I will never forget it,” came the whispered reply. “And I thank the Lord that your plan failed.” He urged his horse on. “We have nothing more to say to each other, Sebastian. If I were a stronger man, if I were not so afraid to leave Anne alone, I would confess my crime just to see you punished for your treachery.”

“But you yourself admitted that you are weak.” Sebastian laughed cruelly as he watched Reginald ride off to catch up with the others. “I don’t need you any longer, old man,” he muttered under his breath. “I am taking care of things on my own … as I should have done from the start.”

Unaware of the angry exchange going on behind him, Drake let his rigid body relax in the saddle, allowing a small trace of the freedom he felt at sea to tantalize his senses. These past weeks had been laden with responsibility, and he had taken no time for recreation of any kind.

Almost any kind, he amended to himself, thinking of the nights he spent in his wife’s arms. Making love to Alex was a balm to his tortured senses, the only time he could forget who and what he was. When they were together, nothing existed outside of their union. Time had not dimmed his insatiable passion for Alex, but rather increased his urgent need to possess her, body, heart, and soul.