She squeezed Sammy’s hand. “Thank you for making this easier for me,” she told her. “I could not have endured today without you.”

Samantha threw her arms around Alex’s neck. “I don’t blame Drake for loving you,” she whispered fiercely. “I love you, too.”

Alex felt a slash of pain cut across her heart. Did Drake love her? It was hardly likely.

Samantha drew back, studied Alex’s face with a wisdom beyond her years. “He does love you, Alex,” she said softly. “He just cannot tell you so … not yet. He is still suffering from old wounds and coping with new ones. That is why he broods so much. Give him time, please. He needs you more than he knows … more than he wants to need you.”

Alex’s eyes grew damp. “Need and love are two different things, Sammy,” she said in a voice that trembled. “I know he needs me, but love …”

“He feels both. You’ll see that I am right.” Samantha turned at the sound of laughter drifting up from the floor below. “We should see to our guests.” She gave Alex an impish grin. “Now, remember what I told you. Lord and Lady Kensgate were close friends of my parents. All the other guests are acquaintances of Drake’s. Lady Arabella Ravensley is a tall brunette who giggles too much and is married to Lord Eric Ravensley, a boyhood friend of Drake’s. Lady Claudia Byrnewood is a plump redhead who bites her nails continuously. Her husband is Lord Roger Byrnewood … a bore. Lady Alicia Lyndale is sweet and blond with a beautiful smile, married to that delightful Lord Stephen Lyndale. Lady Lydia Scarborough, the wife of Lord Randall Scarborough, is tiny and treacherous, and Lady Elizabeth Dragmere, Lord Lawrence Dragmere’s new bride, has a sumptuous body and huge blue eyes.” She took a breath. “Lydia and Elizabeth were involved with Drake in the past and would like to be in the future, Arabella and Claudia have had designs on him for years, but Alicia is happily married and devoted to her husband. Any questions?”

Alex frowned. “How deeply involved was Drake with these women?”

Samantha gave a dismissive wave of her hand. “They meant nothing to him. No woman ever has … except you. I didn’t tell you those things to cause you needless worry. I told you so that you would be cautious about whom you trusted.” She smiled, taking Alex’s hand. “There is no competition, Alex; remember that. Drake is in love with you; I know it. Now, let’s go.” She tugged a reluctant Alex down the wide marble steps to make her debut.

The men were already off to the stables, and only the chattering women were present in the drawing room. According to Drake’s plan, Samantha would introduce Alex to the ladies now, and the meetings with the gentlemen would take place in the evening.

The buzz of conversation came to an abrupt halt as the women became aware of Alex’s presence. Six pairs of curious eyes, ranging from interested to resentful, stared at the new mistress of Allonshire, the young woman who had managed to snare Drake Barrett. Alex, aware of how important this first impression would be, abruptly decided to make her own introductions. She held her head high and, calling upon eighteen years of rigid training, sailed gaily into the room.

“Good morning, ladies. Welcome to Allonshire.” She walked up to the round redhead who sat primly on the ice blue settee nibbling on a pastry. “You must be Claudia,” she smiled, trying to control a peal of laughter from breaking loose as the plump woman nodded, licked the last flaky crumb off her finger, and began chewing on her thumbnail. “Samantha mentioned your lovely red hair. I am Alexandria. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

She introduced herself to the other five women, making mental notes as to the reactions she received. Arabella Ravensley, buxom and tall, punctuated each sentence with a nervous giggle. Lydia Scarborough was petite and blond, like a tiny angel, but her eyes shot daggers at Alex and her tongue was acidic. Elizabeth Dragmere was breathtaking, with thick auburn hair, huge, melting blue eyes, and a provocative figure that would have aroused

a dead man. Anne Kensgate was a regal silver-haired woman who greeted Alex pleasantly, yet studied her with cool, measured looks over her teacup. Only Alicia Lyndale, with her pale blond hair and warm brown eyes, greeted Alex with genuine warmth and proffered friendship.

Alex sought Samantha’s gaze and raised her brows in a salute to the younger girl’s superbly accurate descriptions of their houseguests. Samantha grinned back an I-told-you-so look, then seated herself in a high-backed chair, ready to watch Alex’s performance at close range.

“Alexandria, please tell us—we’re all dying to know— how did you and Drake meet? It was all rather sudden, was it not?” Lydia wasn’t wasting any time with small talk. Despite her conversational tone, Alex recognized the brittleness of her smile and the sharp challenge in her dark eyes as she awaited Alex’s answer.

Alex gave her a beatific smile. “Actually, yes, it was rather a whirlwind courtship,” she confessed. “After all, this was my very first Season.” Alex gave herself a silent round of applause as Lydia, older by at least five years, winced.

“Then you and Drake met in London?” Elizabeth’s big blue eyes widened in surprise.

Alex was beginning to enjoy herself. “Why, yes,” she answered truthfully, watching as the women exchanged surprised glances. They were obviously nonplussed at having no recollection of Alex attending any of the grand balls. “Unfortunately, the Season was a brief one for Drake and me. My father, the governor of Upper Canada, required my presence in York.” A little white lie couldn’t hurt. “Drake was gallant enough to offer me passage on his ship.” Close enough to the truth.

“Drake took you on his ship to Canada?” Lydia’s incredulous expression was mirrored on five other faces. For Drake to have allowed any female into that part of his life was unprecedented.

“Why, yes.” Alex kept her expression innocent. “He was charming and so accommodating. Why, to spare my reputation he even forfeited his cabin to me for the entire duration of the trip.”

“You were unchaperoned?” Anne Kensgate looked appalled.

Alex dropped her eyes. “Due to an unfortunate set of circumstances, my lady’s maid was unable to accompany me.” Most probably because I never told her I was going. “Of course, Drake’s valet was ever so helpful, as was the rest of the crew. And, since we had planned on marrying once we reached York anyway, it was only a small impropriety.”

Lady Kensgate gave a loud, indignant sniff as if to counter Alex’s words.

“Well, I think that it is all wonderfully romantic,” Alicia Lyndale put in with a warm smile. “Obviously it was love at first sight.”

An image of Drake’s blazing fury at finding her in his cabin rose before Alex’s eyes, and she fought to control a giggle. She gave Alicia a grateful smile. “Yes, Drake and I had a rather powerful reaction to each other right from the start.”

“Most women react powerfully when they meet Drake,” Arabella jumped in, then giggled.

“They certainly do,” Lydia agreed with a leer. “And the reaction only grows stronger as the involvement deepens.” Her meaning was quite clear.

“True. But Drake rarely reacts the same way in return.” Samantha’s clear fifteen-year-old voice stunned all of them, and they turned to stare in surprise. They tolerated her presence because Drake insisted on it, but they were unused to being challenged by a mere chit.

Samantha met their stares calmly, looking much as Drake did when he was confronting an adversary. “My brother is usually unaffected by the attention bestowed upon him by eager women,” she continued, smiling at Alex’s startled, admiring expression. “Until Alex. I have never seen him so smitten. But then, I suppose he recognized the rare combination of good breeding, beauty, intelligence, humor, and charm in one woman. And he was wise enough, once he spotted it, to marry her.” She smoothed a wrinkle from her gown and folded her hands demurely in her lap.

All of the women but Alicia gaped at Samantha’s outspoken comments. Alicia gave a hearty laugh and nodded.