Drake looked at Alex over his sister’s bobbing head. “Yes, Sammy, that is wonderful.” He set Samantha down and snapped his fingers. Instantly Blackbeard was by his side, quiet and composed. “I will contact Barrett Shipping tomorrow.” His words were for Samantha, but his eyes never left Alex. “There is no reason for you to wait. I’ll have a skiff brought to Allonshire at once so that your lessons can begin.”

Samantha looked torn between joy and guilt. “But, Drake, is it right? With Papa …”

“Our father knew how much you loved him,” Drake said softly. “It is not necessary to punish yourself with weeks of grief. We will do what we must and then go quietly on with our lives. He would want it that way.”

She nodded, tears in her eyes. “I know.”

“Sammy, why don’t you take Blackbeard back to the stables? Six frantic grooms and stableboys are combing the grounds for him.”

“I don’t want him in the stables,” Alex broke in quietly. “I want him with me.”

Drake studied her earnest little face, stifling a grin. She looked like a belligerent child rather than a duchess, standing there in her bedraggled gown, with a brown smudge on one cheek. He wanted to lay her down in the scented grass and make love to her.

“Fine” was all he said. “Then he may go to your chambers … after he has been bathed.”

Samantha watched the exchange with interest, feeling the electricity that flowed between her brother and his new wife. Then, tactfully and with as much grace as she could muster, she scooped up the wriggling pup and headed for the stables.

“I will see that he is bathed and brought to the house,” she called back.

“Thank you, Sammy,” Alex called after her.

Samantha turned and smiled, a smile of encouragement. “You’re welcome, Alex.”

Once Samantha had gone, Alex looked back at Drake. She knew that her behavior had been inexcusable and was prepared to apologize for it.

“Drake,” she began, “I want you to know—”

“Where were you this morning?” he broke in.

She looked startled. “I told you I was going for a walk with Samantha after breakfast.”

He frowned. “I meant earlier this morning.”

She flushed. “I couldn’t sleep. I—”

“Is it too much to ask that you awaken with me, or do you loathe me so much that you can no longer face me in the morning?”

“Drake … don’t.” She made a move to go past him, but he caught her arm, bringing her up against him. Alex could feel her heart begin to pound wildly, for what reason she did not allow herself to guess. Instead, she stared at his unadorned black mourning cloak.

He lifted her chin with firm fingers, forcing her to meet his gaze. “Thank you,” he said tenderly.

Now she was completely at sea. “For what?”

“For what you are doing for Samantha. She needs someone very badly.”

“She is a very special person,” Alex whispered.

“You never answered my question.” His breath was warm against her lips.

“I don’t know the answer to the question, Drake. I don’t even know who my husband is.”

“Don’t you?” he murmured, then claimed her mouth in a kiss that made her knees buckle. He held her chin in place and fit their mouths together the same way he had fitted their bodies together last night. Alex moaned, closing her eyes. The kiss continued, on and on, until Alex thought she would faint.

When he drew back, she heard herself whimper a protest.

Drake chuckled. “That is the most delightful invitation I have ever received, princess. Unfortunately this is not the time.”

Cold reality struck Alex in the face, and her eyes flew open in shock. Oh, what was it he did to her that only succeeded in confusing her more, making the important seem unimportant and bringing back the fantasy that she knew to be a lie? And how could she allow it when he had made a mockery of all they’d shared?