“Please, princess,” he whispered, “don’t give up on me now. For my sake and for yours, not now.” He kissed her forehead gently, praying that her feelings were strong enough to overcome all that stood between them.

Praying that his own newborn trust was strong enough to withstand the wait.

Chapter 24

“IT’S A GLORIOUS DAY for a walk.” Alex glanced over at Samantha, who stood quietly beside her amid one of the sweeping clusters of oak trees that lined the grounds of Allonshire. Samantha had been silent during the onset of their stroll, but Alex did not fault her. Breakfast had been a somber event, filled with tense silence and the sad knowledge that there was to be a funeral. Alex had felt a protective urge to remove Samantha from the morbid atmosphere as soon as possible. It was painful enough that she had lost her father.

Alex herself had difficulty getting through the meal. She had been unable to meet Drake’s gaze, uncertain of where things stood. And the speculative gleam in Sebastian’s eye, as he looked from Alex to his brother, had only made things worse.

Now, overlooking the vast expanse of greenery stretched before her, Alex took a deep breath and turned to Samantha. “Would you prefer to be by yourself?” she asked, gently touching her arm.

Samantha shook her head. “No, not really. I am so eager to get to know you.” She grinned. “It’s not every day that my brother, the notorious rake, comes home married!” At the pained look on Alex’s face she reached out hastily and touched the sleeve of Alex’s black crepe walking gown. “Alexandria, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything by that.” She sighed deeply. “I have a dreadful tendency to say all the wrong things. Obviously Drake is very different now.”

Different from what? Alex wanted to ask. But she didn’t.

“I know my brother better than anyone,” Samantha was continuing. “And if he married you, you must be wonderful. It’s just that I never thought he would marry.”

Alex gave her a curious look. “Why not?”

Samantha shrugged. “He doesn’t have a very high regard for women, that’s all.”

“Yes, I know.” Alex bit her lip, willing Samantha to go on.

As if she sensed Alex’s need, Samantha continued. “Women adore him; they always have. And why not? He is titled, he has wealth and power, he is breathtakingly handsome and devastatingly charming.”

“When he wants to be,” Alex modified.

“Yes,” Samantha agreed. “But on the whole he believes women to be inherently faithless. I am the only exception … until now, of course,” she hastened to add.

Alex took the plunge. “He even feels that way about your mother?”

For a long moment Samantha was silent, and then her words were so soft that they were barely audible. “Sometimes I think he feels that way because of our mother.”

Alex’s heart began to pound. “For what reason?”

Samantha gave Alex a thoughtful look. “I’m not entirely certain. It’s just a feeling I’ve always had but never expressed. Besides, it doesn’t make any difference. Mother has been dead for almost ten years.”

Alex digested that information carefully. She had already surmised that Drake’s mother was no longer alive, else she would have been with her husband at the end. And as far as Drake’s bitterness being tied somehow to her … that came as no shock either. Alex had long suspected something of the sort.

She had thousands of questions that needed answers, but she would not take advantage of Samantha’s need for company or her closeness to Drake.

Instead, she urged, “It’s your turn, Samantha. You must have many things you want to ask me. I know I would if Drake were my brother.” She waited.

Samantha hesitated, unused to such sensitivity from anyone other than Drake. Unable to resist the gesture of friendship, she gave Alex a grateful smile. “Alexandria, I will try not to pry. If I ask or say anything that offends you, please tell me.”

Alex smiled back. “I doubt that anything you say would offend me, Samantha.”

The younger girl giggled. “Don’t be so certain.” She pointed in the direction of a peaceful, rippling stream just beyond them. “Why don’t we sit for a while?”

Alex nodded. More and more she liked this young girl whose honest, straightforward manner reminded Alex so much of Drake—the Drake she thought she knew.

They settled themselves on the ground, tucking their full, drab skirts beneath them.

“I hate wearing black,” Samantha blurted out. “And I don’t understand the point of it. True mourning takes place here”—she pressed her fingers to her heart—”not in a splendid cathedral for all the world to see.” She turned tear-filled green eyes to Alex. “I told you I say outrageous things,” she whispered.

Alex reached over and took her hand. “Samantha, I wish more people were as genuine as you. There is nothing outrageous about what you said. Quite the opposite, in fact.”

Samantha brushed away her tears. “Then you don’t think I’m awful?”