“Alexandria, this is my sister, Samantha. Sammy, this is Alexandria … my wife.”

“Your wife!” They didn’t have long to wait for Samantha’s reaction to the news. She looked stunned.

Alex walked over to her. “Hello, Samantha,” she began, watching the younger girl’s face to determine what lay beyond the initial surprise. “I’m so very sorry about your father, but I am also happy to meet you at last. Drake talks of you quite a bit.”

Samantha smiled again, a smile that lit the whole room. At that moment she looked exactly like Drake.

“I can’t believe it. Drake … married!” Her bright gaze surveyed Alex from head to toe. “You’re beautiful,” she said honestly and without guile. “And I’m happy to meet you, too.”

The sound of an approaching carriage interrupted their conversation. Samantha looked quickly at Drake. “That must be Sebastian.” Alex saw Drake’s jaw tighten at his sister’s words. “I’ll have to tell him about Papa.” Samantha turned and walked to the front door, which simultaneously opened, admitting a whistling Sebastian.

He nodded curtly at Humphreys, then stopped as his sister approached him. “Well, well, isn’t this a surprise?” he asked sarcastically. “To what do I owe the honor of being greeted by my often absent little sister?”

Samantha didn’t react. She simply said, “Papa’s dead, Sebastian.”

To Alex’s amazement he barely shrugged.

“I was afraid of that,” he said in a conversational tone. “He looked dreadfully peaked when I left for London.” He gave a thoughtful frown. “I suppose arrangements will have to be made. Well, do not concern yourself, Samantha. From now on I will take care of everything.” He sounded almost gleeful. Alex felt sick.

“That won’t be necessary, Sebastian.” Drake’s tone was positively glacial. “I will oversee all the necessary arrangements.”

Sebastian gaped at Drake, the color draining from his face. “Drake? How … ? When … ?”

“Just today and by the grace of God. Any other questions?”

Sebastian shook his head, making an obvious attempt to regain control of himself. “It’s a miracle that you’ve been restored to us,” he said after a moment. Ignoring Drake’s disgusted look, Sebastian moved his interested gaze to Alex. She returned it without flinching, feeling an immediate dislike for Drake’s brother. If she hadn’t known better she would have said he seemed upset by the discovery that Drake was alive. But that was impossible; no brother could be that cold.

Sebastian’s light blue eyes roved appreciatively over Alex’s very feminine curves, assessing her physical attributes. Alex could feel her cheeks burning with anger and humiliation at his blatant scrutiny.

“And who is this small and tempting morsel?” he queried with a charming smile.

Drake struggled with his own urge to beat Sebastian senseless. He took a possessive step closer to Alex. “Your taste is superb, Sebastian. I hope you won’t be too disappointed to learn that Alexandria happens to be my wife.”

This time Sebastian could not disguise his astonishment, or his displeasure, at the news. “Your wife?”

Alex gave him a cool nod. “Hello, Sebastian.”

“Your wife,” he repeated again, shaking his head.

“Well, I think that it is wonderful,” Samantha interrupted, giving Alex a small smile. “Perhaps the joy of having Drake returned to us and of welcoming Alexandria into the family will help to ease the pain of losing Papa.” She swallowed, then lifted her chin. “You look exhausted, Alexandria. Let us leave my brothers to … do what they must.” She shuddered at the reality of her father’s death, but hung on to the fact that Drake was home. “Alexandria, I will show you to your room, if you like.”

Alex looked gratefully at her. “Thank you, Samantha. I would like that very much.” Without meeting Drake’s eyes she raised her skirts and followed Samantha up the winding staircase. She was uncertain how much longer she could function without breaking down. Her entire life had blown up in her face. She desperately needed time alone to think.

“Your grace?”

Alex didn’t turn.

“Your grace?” Humphreys’s voice was tentative. “I shall arrange for a lady’s maid to assist you at once.”

Alex froze where she stood, realizing that Humphreys was addressing her. As of one hour past she was the Duchess of Allonshire.

She pivoted slowly on the stairway and looked down, her strained gaze locking with Drake’s tortured stare. The words seemed to echo between them, within them, pulling taut the thin filament of their relationship, tighter and tighter, until it snapped.

Alex turned away first, walking gracefully up the curved

staircase until she was gone.

Chapter 23