“Closer.” The quavering word sounded so pathetic that Alex wanted to weep.

Drake complied, returning to stand beside his father’s deathbed.

Grayson stared at him for a long moment. “God has granted my last wish by sending you home safe.” He struggled for breath, then continued, “I haven’t much time or strength left. But before I go, I need to know that you will do what you must, what is your duty. You do understand?”

Drake nodded, his eyes burning with unshed tears. “Yes, Father, I understand.”

Grayson closed his eyes and for one panic-stricken minute Alex thought he was gone. But then he continued, desperate to convey all he had to before it was too late. “Allonshire,” he murmured. “You must …”

“I will.”


“I will always protect and care for Samantha; you know that. And when the time comes I will bring her out as you would want me to. I will see to her happiness, I swear.”

Grayson nodded, relief settling upon his tortured features. “I had no doubt that you would see to her happiness. My only regret is that I could not see to yours.”

Drake swallowed past the lump in his throat. “I am happy, Father. In fact I have some good news for you.” He gestured for Alex to join him. Still in shock, she went to stand by his side. “Father, this is my wife, Alexandria.”

The misty blue eyes looked startled as they turned to stare at Alex. “Your wife?”

“Yes, Father, my wife.”

Something that resembled a smile touched the older man’s lips. “Alexandria, did you say?”

“Yes, your grace,” Alex answered softly.

“You are quite beautiful, but that doesn’t surprise me, knowing my son,” he managed. “But married, now that…” His voice trailed off. He continued to stare at her, his gaze unfocused. Suddenly he blinked and seemed to see her again. “Wife … Do I know your family?” At that moment he sounded more curious than demanding.

Did he know her family? His question triggered the first concrete thought in Alex’s mind, and she almost laughed out loud. Of course he knew her family! How stupid she had been. No wonder her father had been so anxious to marry her off to Drake. She should have known better than to think he would dismiss his high hopes of her marriage to a titled man. A future duke, no less!

Reaction was beginning to take hold, competing with numbness for control of Alex’s mind. She felt suddenly light-headed.

She looked down at the man before her. Despite all that had transpired, this poor man was dying. Now was not the time to focus on anything else.

Swallowing her rising hysteria, she gave Grayson a gentle smile. “I am quite certain that you must know them, your grace. My father is the Earl of Sudsbury and currently the governor of Upper Canada.”

A flicker of interest registered in Grayson’s dull gaze. “You are Geoffrey Cassel’s daughter?”

“Yes I am, your grace.”

“Then you … and my son …”

Alex saw what an effort it was for him to speak, so she quietly told him what he wanted to know. “Drake and I were married in Canada, your grace.” She carefully omitted the colorful details of their first meeting. “We were on our way back to England when the ship … when your ship,” she corrected, as that realization clicked into place, “was attacked by the Americans. We escaped, but La Belle Illusion did not. That is why you believed Drake dead.” Her voice sounded wooden to her own ears.

Grayson turned slightly to Drake. “Smithers?”

“Smitty is fine and came home with us,” Drake assured his father. After over thirty years of loyal service Smitty was respected by everyone at Allonshire.

Grayson nodded, continuing to gaze absently at his son. “Your wife … I want … to speak … with her … alone.” Each word was a struggle.

Drake frowned. He was fairly certain of Alex’s state of mind at the moment, and he had no intention of granting his father’s request. The meeting could have catastrophic results.

“Father,” he began, “I don’t think—”

“It’s all right, Drake,” Alex said, her voice calm and even. But when she glanced at him her eyes were like a winter storm—cold, gray, dismal. He hesitated for a moment longer, then nodded, certain that Alex’s inherent kindness would not permit her to hurt a dying man. Drake realized with a start that what he was feeling was trust. He trusted his wife. Quietly he left the room.

Grayson rested, his breathing shallow, then turned back to Alex. “Forgive me,” he whispered, “but are you with child?” Seeing Alex’s appalled expression, he added shakily, “I want to know, before I die, if there is another heir to Allonshire on the way.”