“The men and I have had much time to talk, to reconstruct the events of that day. All of them swear that the guns were targeted perfectly, the elevations well suited to our distance from the military brig.”

“Yet all our volleys fell short.”

“Yes.” Smitty was quiet for a moment, giving Drake time to absorb the information.

“You agree with their assessment?”

Smitty nodded. “I do.”

“Perhaps the wrong amount of powder was placed in the cartridges,” Drake suggested.

Smitty shook his head. “Mannings is skilled at filling the cartridges. It is possible that he could estimate incorrectly once, perhaps twice. But again and again? No, that I do not believe.”

“Nor do I.” Drake stared out to sea for a brief moment. “That leaves only one alternative. The gunpowder itself was not at full strength.”

“I would have to agree with you, Captain.”

“Do you suspect that it was tampered with?”

“I honestly do not know, Captain. It does seem to be a distinct possibility, although no one could have been certain that we would have need of our cannons.”

Drake looked grim. “No, but there was every likelihood, in light of the impending war with America, that we would have to defend ourselves. The odds were good that cutting the potency of our powder would prove successful. And I intend to discover the truth.” He paused. “Smitty, please do not mention this in front of Alexandria. I do not want to frighten her; she has endured a great deal these last months.”

“Of course, Captain.” Smitty studied Drake’s face. “You haven’t told her, have you?”


“Why not?”

“I believe that is obvious.”

“Do you perceive your wife to be so shallow that she would think less of you for who you are?”

Drake met Smitty’s gaze. “I think my wife would cheerfully murder me if she knew the truth.”

“She will find out soon enough, Captain.”

Drake nodded. “Yes. But I shall have weeks at sea to prepare her for the shock.”

“Her reaction will be more severe the longer you wait.”

“I do not need you to serve as my conscience, Smitty.” Drake didn’t know who he was angrier with, Smitty or himself. Suddenly all the doubts and the bitterness seemed to be resurfacing, reminding him of his vulnerability at Alex’s hands.

“As you wish, Captain.”

“Wishing is for romantics and fools.” Drake’s voice was hard.

“A man who chooses bitterness over joy could be considered a fool.”

“Or merely a man who has learned that there is no joy that does not end in bitterness.”

“Bitterness that was caused by another woman to another man; not your wife or yourself.”

Drake shot Smitty a look of smoldering anger and raw pain. “My mother was hardly unique in her indiscretions. The majority of the ton’s simpering females are cuckolding their husbands and have been doing so for years. Both you and I know that.”

“Lady Alexandria is different. You and I both know that as well.”

Drake slammed his hand down on the wheel. “All right, damn it, yes! Alexandria is different! She is beautiful and innocent and giving.”