The moment she was free, Alex sprinted out into the woods, calling Blackbeard’s name frantically, pleading with him to return to safety.

“Damn you, Alexandria,” Drake exploded, tearing through the woods with the greatest of speed in the hope of overtaking his impulsive wife before she forfeited both their lives.

Blackbeard had reached the water’s edge and was barking furiously at the approaching ship. Alex was close behind, terrified as she saw that the ample-sized schooner was almost upon them. And all at once she stopped dead in her tracks just as Drake grabbed her from behind.

“Drake,” she breathed, “she’s flying a British flag! How is that possible?”

Drake stared over Alex’s head, and suddenly a huge smile broke out across his bearded face.

“There is only one person with enough nerve to fly the British flag this deep into American territory.”

Simultaneously Smitty’s voice reached them through his speaking trumpet. “Captain?” he politely inquired. “May I offer you a ride?”

Chapter 20


As a result of his reckless behavior there was much cause for celebration among La Belle Illusion’s re-united crew as their newly-acquired schooner cruised down the Saint Lawrence. Fortunately the pup retained his humility and was satisfied with a hearty beef dinner and free rein on his new moving domicile. It was soon obvious that Blackbeard was indeed a sea dog who had probably spent his entire young life aboard a ship.

Having completed his exploration, he sprang unceremoniously upon the quarterdeck, curled up beside the helm at Drake’s feet, and made himself at home.

Smitty began to laugh. “I see you have acquired a new admirer during your absence, Captain.”

“He much resembles Drake, does he not, Smitty?” Alex asked from the main deck. “Especially their bearded faces?”

Drake looked down in amazement as Blackbeard contentedly sniffed the sea air, then began nibbling at Drake’s boots. “His arrogance is staggering,” he muttered.

“Another startling similarity,” Alex agreed.

Drake shot her a dark look, and Smitty beamed.

“It is so good to have you both back again, alive and well,” he told them.

There was a moment of hesitation. “It is good we are all safe, Smitty,” Alex replied at last. “Thank God you and the crew were able to make your way to Kingston.”

She was relieved when Smitty turned to Drake and plunged into a full accounting of the past month’s events, for she needed a moment to herself. Walking over to the rail, she bade a silent farewell to the wondrous island that had been home for a brief, idyllic time. She had left a part of herself there, an innocence and joy that would remain forever amid the island’s magic. She only prayed that a bit of the enchantment had remained inside her as well, to guide her through the weeks to come.

Drake glanced over at her. He knew what she was feeling, for he was experiencing mixed emotions as well—grateful to be alive, elated to be reunited with his crew and to know for certain that they had all survived, yet poignantly saddened at leaving their very own Eden.

Life had no easy answers, only very complex questions.

“Princess? Why don’t you go below and get some rest?”

Alex turned to face him, nodding. “You and Smitty have much to discuss, no doubt. And I am already uncomfortable in Thomas’s breeches. I had become so used to not needing …” She blushed scarlet, realizing what she had been about to say. “I’ll go rest.” She ducked below with great haste.

Drake chuckled. “That was the fastest I have ever seen Alexandria obey me. I dare not hope it will continue.”

Smitty saw the softness in Drake’s gaze, just as he had seen the glow on Alex’s face. Perhaps, despite his own frantic worry about their well-being, the last month had served a good purpose.

“It feels wonderful to be back at the helm,” Drake commented, gripping the wheel and looking about him. “I hope you did not mind relinquishing it to me?”

“It was my pleasure, Captain. I only wish it could have been La Belle Illusion.”

Drake’s jaw tightened. “There will be other ships, Smitty. The American ship was simply too powerful for La Belle. We did not stand a chance.”

“No, we did not stand a chance,” Smitty agreed quietly. “But I do not believe that it was because of the American ship’s superiority.”

Drake scowled. “What does that mean?”