“That would be wonderful, thank you.” She wondered briefly where Drake was and then decided against asking. The last thing he would be concerned about right now was his bride and her fears.

“The cap’n is determined t’ leave port within the hour,” Thomas informed her, as if reading her mind.

Alex frowned. It wasn’t like Drake to panic. “Is time that precious?”

He looked grim. “There’s no telling what’ll happen once word gets out that the Americans ’ave declared war,” he answered. “And frankly, Miss Alex, Cap’n Barrett is really worried about ye. He wants t’ make sure he gets ye home t’ England quick and safe.”

“Oh.” Alex wasn’t quite sure what to say. A warm feeling melted some of her earlier anger. While she realized that Drake simply felt responsible for her, still … it made her feel a little more secure, a little less desolate. “Thank you for telling me, Thomas.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He glanced down at her luggage. “Is that all you brought with you?”

“That’s all.”

“I’ll take it down t’ the cap’n’s … t’ yer cabin right away,” he corrected himself. “Then, I’ll go tell Cap’n Barrett that you’ve arrived and are safe below.” He scampered off like a rabbit.

From the time the merchant brig left York and began its journey through Lake Ontario toward the great Saint Lawrence until bedtime Alex did not see Drake. Knowing him as she did, she was certain that he had remained at the helm to assist his men. She understood. First and foremost came his ship and his crew.

At dinnertime Smitty brought her a tray of food and asked that she remain in her quarters in case of any danger. Alex did not need to ask whose orders those were, nor did she question them. Now was not the time.

It was after midnight when Smitty finally persuaded a tight-lipped Drake to go below.

“Captain, there has been no incident as yet and no sign of an American ship. You will need all of your resources over the next few days to guide us through the Saint Lawrence. Please try to get some sleep.”

Drake ran his fingers through his windblown hair and nodded. “All right, Smitty. But I insist that you wake me if there is the slightest hint of trouble.”

“Of course, Captain.”

Drake made his way to the lower deck, knowing he should be exhausted. Instead, his body was taut with the stress of the day, the blood pulsing through his veins, energy tingling through every pore of his body, making him wide awake. Only his eyes burned from the strain of scanning the horizon for hostile ships.

Drake opened his cabin door, then kicked it closed behind him.

How could he have forgotten? The beautiful vision who stood at the porthole, who turned suddenly amid a rustle of silk at his entrance, who stared at him through wide gray eyes … that vision was his wife.

For a long moment he remained motionless, drinking in the sight of her. After nearly twelve hours of hell, she looked like an angel ready to guide him to heaven. The oil lamp was dimly lit, casting golden shadows that lingered on her tousled honey-colored hair, the delicate features of her face, the bare expanse of her shoulders and arms. The ivory of her night rail, shimmering and soft, clung to every perfect curve of her small, lush body.

His wife.

The realization struck him like a lightning bolt, igniting his every nerve and pushing his already overcharged senses beyond rational thought. Suddenly Drake could feel his entire body shaking, and his burning gaze locked with Alex’s startled one. He watched her expression change from surprise to awareness to apprehension and realization. This was their wedding night. And despite the war, despite all that had transpired before this day, this moment, nothing and no one could stop what was going to happen between them.

He spoke at last. “Alex. Come here.”

It was an order. She had sworn never to obey an order from Drake.

She walked across the room to him.

He made no move to touch her at first, just stared down into her face, reveling in the fact that she was his. His.

“Is it safe?” she whispered at last.

“The ship is. You’re not.” His eyes burned with a green fire that seemed to singe her skin. His words made her shiver.

“Drake …”

He seemed not to hear her, but brought his hand up to stroke her cheek, down her neck to her shoulder, then along the length of her arm. He grasped her hand and raised it to his mouth.

“Forever,” he murmured. “I’ve waited forever for you. But no longer, my beautiful wife. Tonight I am going to possess you, body and soul, to savor every inch of you, to take and take until there is nothing left for you to give. And in return I am going to bring your body to life, to set fire to every part of you, to make you twist and cry out and finally beg until you come apart in my arms again and again, until you have no doubt that you are mine.” He drew her fingers into his mouth, licking each one lightly.

Alex closed her eyes as waves of pleasure swept over her, dizzying her senses. As if from a distance she heard herself moan.