At last. The moment of truth.

Alex allowed him to take her arm and lead her onto the wide balcony overlooking the front gardens of the estate.

“I have to get back to England.” Drake did not mince his words. “I’ve already been away too long. Because of the winds and the storm, we lost a great deal of time. I must take the timber home as soon as possible.”

“I know.” Alex’s voice was devoid of emotion.

Drake stared down into her pale face, trying to assess her reaction. “I’m sorry that things cannot be the way you want them to be. If it were at all possible I would make it so.”

I will not cry, Alex told herself, fighting back the tears of humiliation that threatened to erupt.

She lifted her small chin and met his gaze. “You don’t have to apologize, Drake. I had no illusions about this marriage.”

He looked puzzled. “What are you talking about?”

“About your plans to return to England at week’s end.”

“What the hell does that have to do with your expectations of our marriage?” he asked in an incredulous tone. “Did you think I could remain in Canada forever? You know I have a job to do, Alexandria.”

Her hands made tight fists of control at her sides. “Yes, I know you do.”

“Have I not given you enough time? Is that it?”

“You have given me your name and respectability,” she shot back. “I suppose that is more than any woman should ask.”

“Apparently you’re not any woman.”

“No, I suppose I’m not. So perhaps this is for the best. You can live your life, and I can live mine.”

“That’s going to be rather difficult in such cramped quarters,” he told her in a cold voice.

“Half a world away is not far enough for you, Captain Barrett?” she demanded.

“Half a world …” Drake broke off as the truth of the situation struck him. “You were planning to stay here in York?” There was such anger and accusation in his voice that Alex flinched.

“Evidently we agree it would be for the best.” She would hold on to her pride if it was the last thing she ever did.

“The best for whom?” he spat out. “Damn it, Alexandria, you are my wife. Like it or not, you belong to me now.”

The joy accompanying the realization that Drake intended to take her with him was obliterated by his dictatorial words.

“I belong to no one,” she returned, her eyes blazing with anger.

“Funny, I remember the vows you took saying otherwise.” His pain and hurt manifested themselves in rage. “The fact is that you are now my possession. You relinquished your rights as an individual the moment you became Mrs. Drake Barrett.” He lowered his head until she could see the glitter of emerald steel in his eyes, feel his breath on her face. “You have three days to ready yourself, princess. And then we leave for England—both of us.” He paused. “And don’t plan on using your nights for packing. I plan to keep you thoroughly occupied at night. All night. Understood?”

Color flooded Alex’s face. “You coldhearted bastard, I wouldn’t submit to your lust if …”

“Submit?” he growled. “Is that what you planned to do, princess? Submit to me? Well, I assure you, you will come to my bed, and it will not be submission you feel when you do.”

Alex raised her hand and slapped him hard. The sound echoed in the quiet afternoon. For a moment they both stood, stunned at her action. Then she backed away, her expression a mixture of fear and fury.

“We will never know, will we?” she spat out. “For I have no intention of ever seeing you again.”

He caught her arms and lifted her easily off the balcony floor, raising her face to his. “This conversation is far from over, princess,” he said in a deadly whisper. “For once in your life you are not going to do exactly what you want to do—”

“Drake.” Geoffrey’s voice came from the open doors to the balcony. He was totally oblivious of the violent argument he had interrupted, his usually composed face flushed, his hands shaking. “I need to see you at once.”

Slowly Drake lowered Alex to the balcony, taking in Lord Sudsbury’s overwrought appearance. “What is it?”