Along with awed admiration and aching desire, Drake felt profound pride in the heart-stoppingly beautiful young woman who was soon to be his wife. She walked into the room, her head held high, proud and composed, ready to accept her fate.

Their eyes met. Everything she was feeling was reflected in the clear gray eyes that regarded him from beneath the long fringe of her gold-tipped lashes—all her vulnerability, her hurt, and her fear. Drake felt a surge of protectiveness so strong that it left him shaken. And in that moment he made a decision: no matter what lay ahead for them, no matter how little of himself he could offer her, no one, including him, would ever hurt Alex again. He would make sure of it … as her husband.

Alex was so deeply aware of Drake that it made her tremble. His strength, his very presence, made her feel weak and afraid, protected and whole. Standing by his side, hearing his deep baritone voice speaking his vows, gave her the courage to speak her own.

It felt like a dream, and she was the omniscient observer watching it unfold. She stared at her own hand, fascinated, as Drake slid a simple gold band on her fourth finger, sealing their union. She raised her gaze to his face, and he smiled, leaning down to brush a soft, chaste kiss across her lips.

“Hang on, princess,” he murmured softly, for her ears alone. “The ordeal is almost over.”

She wondered vaguely if he meant her ordeal or his own. Either way, she nodded, managing to give him a small smile.

The dreamlike feeling prevailed even after the ceremony ended. The midday buffet was a quiet affair, hardly the elaborate celebration that usually followed the joining of two noble families. It mattered not to Alex, who wouldn’t have been able to force down a bite if her very life had depended on it.

“Are you all right, my lady?” Smitty’s compassionate voice penetrated her mental haze.

“Yes, Smitty, I am fine.” She fingered the folds of her gown thoughtfully, considering whether or not to broach the subject of Drake’s plans for her.

“You are the most beautiful of brides,” Smitty told her with a warm smile.

Alex returned his smile halfheartedly. “Thank you for being here. Whether it was only for Drake’s sake or for my own as well, I am grateful to you for coming.”

“I am very fond of you, my lady,” was the instantaneous reply. “Your happiness and well-being are as much my concern as your husband’s.”

“My husband.” Alex repeated the words, looking across the room at the man they designated. Her husband. Tall and commanding. Bitter and angry. Gentle and passionate.

As if he felt her gaze upon him, Drake looked up from his conversation with Lord Sudsbury and met Alex’s eyes. A slow, appreciative smile spread across his handsome face, and at that moment Alex felt like the most beautiful woman in the world. And the most unsure.

“I must be getting back to the ship,” Smitty was saying to her. “There is much work to be done before we depart for England at week’s end.”

“At week’s end?” Alex asked. “Is that when you plan to leave?”

Smitty looked surprised. “Hasn’t Captain Barrett told you of his plans?”

His plans. Alex’s heart sank.

“No, Smitty, he has not.” Out of the corner of her eye Alex saw the butler hurry into the room and speak quietly and rapidly to her father. A moment later Geoffrey excused himself and disappeared from the r

oom. Well, now was Alex’s chance to discuss the future with her new husband.

Smitty was frowning. “I thought for certain …”

He never completed what he had been about to say, for Drake’s appearance at their side interrupted the conversation.

“Is La Belle Illusion going to be ready to sail on schedule?” he asked Smitty.

Smitty nodded. “Of course, Captain. The timber is nearly all loaded; the men are settling down.” He grinned.

Drake grinned back. “Good.” For the first time he looked down at Alex. “Smitty, I would like a few minutes to speak with my wife.”

“Certainly, Captain.” Smitty looked from Drake to Alex, his eyes shining with love and pride. “I want to congratulate both of you again. May the future bring you only happiness.”

Smitty was gone before Alex could say good-bye. Well, she would just have to find him before the ship sailed. She needed to make him understand just how important his friendship was to her.

“Princess?” For the first time the word sounded like an endearment and not a mockery. “Are you all right? You look as white as a sheet.”

Alex swallowed. “Yes, Drake, I’m fine. I promise not to embarrass you by fainting.”

He chuckled, glad to see that her spirit was still intact. “Let’s take a walk. I need to talk to you about the plans I’ve made.”