“Drake! For goodness’ sake, what is it?” She crossed her arms modestly over her naked breasts, stunned by the look of intense concern on his face.

She was fine. The realization dissolved his worry instantly. She was also stark naked and more exquisite than his most erotic fantasy had allowed. Desire exploded like cannon fire through his bloodstream, nearly driving him to his knees.

“I didn’t see you on deck. It made me uneasy. I …” He broke off, unable to continue. With one swift gesture he kicked the door closed behind him, then moved to the side of the tub.

Alex felt her face growing warm. “Well, I’m perfectly fine, as you can see,” she answered in a soft, breathless voice. “So, if you will excuse me, I’ll continue with my bath … Oh, Drake … don’t.”

He had dropped down beside the tub and was sliding his fingers through her thick, wet hair. “I have to,” he whispered. “It may be the last time I get to hold you.”

He covered her mouth with his. Her lips were warm, wet, trembling. He groaned, half lifting her from the water to pull her against him. The water sloshed all around them, drenching his white lawn shirt and trickling to the floor in thin streams.

Alex caught his arms for support. “I’m getting you wet,” she whispered inanely, unable to catch her breath.

“I don’t care.”

“But Drake … your shirt …”

“Fine.” He held her with one strong arm and reached around with the other to tear off his sodden shirt and drop it on the floor. “There. Now you need not be concerned about my ruined shirt.” He didn’t wait for her reply, but pressed her soft, pliant body against him.

It was a mistake. He knew it the moment he felt her soft breasts crushed against the hard wall of his chest. It was the first time their naked skin had touched. And he was unprepared for the impact.

Alex’s soft moan intensified the violent shudder that seized Drake’s body as wild, scorching flames leapt to life, igniting an inferno between them that could not be extinguished. He could feel her heart hammering against his, her hold on his forearms tightening, then sliding up to his shoulders.

“Oh, Drake,” she whispered in a soft, husky voice that shattered his control.

Without a word he brought her face up to his, parting her lips and moving his mouth back and forth over hers in a kiss of savage need and possession. He took her tongue, her mouth, her breath, and made them his. Gently, almost reverently, he slid his hands up and down her back, stroking her, urging her closer, feeling her body shiver with each touch.

This time was different. This time Alex was responding to him with the same utter desperation, the same bottomless craving that gnawed at Drake’s soul—because this would be the last time.

He tore his mouth from hers, gazing down into her smoky gray eyes. “Alex,” he said in a hoarse voice, “I want you more than I have ever wanted anyone in my life. If I had my way, I would carry you to that bed right now and bury myself so deep inside you that you would know just how much.” He shook his head, staring at her with a look of utter amazement. “God, how I want to be the one to unlock the passion that’s inside you, to teach you what that beautiful body of yours is capable of feeling.” He drew a deep, shuddering breath. “But that can’t be. We both know that, don’t we, love?”

Confusion warred with passion in her dazed expression. “Drake, I want—”

“I know what you want, princess—at least what you want right now. But in less than an hour I have to deliver you into your father’s very proper hands. Can you go to him, begin your new life, knowing that you just came from my bed?” He shook his head again. “I don’t think so, love. Nor could I look at myself with anything short of disdain if I were to take advantage of you right now.” Absently he stroked a wet strand of her hair behind her ear. “I must be insane,” he murmured softly, “but if I don’t stop now I won’t be able to stop at all. The feel of you in my arms …” He paused again, this time lowering her back into the tub. “You’d better finish your bath.” He smiled a little at her obvious disorientation. “I’ll wait for you on deck.”

“Drake.” The softly spoken name made him pause, his hand on the door, his back to her.


“I … thank you.”

She couldn’t see the pained expression on his face, the torment in his eyes. “I suppose even we lowly sea captains have a shred of decency in us,” he managed.

Her next words made him stiffen. “My father is a very generous man. You won’t be sorry.”

He turned slowly, the eyes that had bathed her in warm green light now glittered with chips of emerald ice. “My beautiful, passionate princess, I already am.”

He slammed the door behind him.

Chapter 11


The men stared open-mouthed as she glided toward them, draped in all the finery of a noblewoman. Those sailors who were wearing hats instantly removed them.

Alex waved away their formalities, then smiled fondly. “Please don’t. Nothing has changed. You are still my friends, and I have enjoyed every minute of this voyage with you.” She wrinkled her nose at some private memories of the crew’s antics. “Well, almost every minute,” she amended. She was rewarded with a few chuckles, though the men still seemed ill at ease.

“I want to thank all of you for making me feel like a part of La Belle. It was a privilege I shall never forget.” She said good-bye to each man in turn, from the warm face of Jeremy Cochran to the worshipful expression of young Thomas Greer. Finally she met the tender, dark gaze of the first mate.