“Once we dock in York, I will need you to supervise the unloading of supplies.” Drake’s abrupt change of subject did not surprise Smitty. It was the captain’s way any time their conversation became too personal. “I must deliver the missive to Brock. Then I will return and escort Alexandria to her father’s home. That should be some reunion,” Drake added with a scowl.

Smitty looked anxious. “Do you think Lord Sudsbury will be very angry with her?”


“Lady Alexandria is only now beginning to suspect the unpleasant reception that awaits her.”

Drake’s look became tender. “Alexandria is too naive for her own good. Disastrous outcomes never seem to occur to her. It’s one of the things …” He caught himself before he had finished the thought. “Are the men prepared to dock?” he asked instead.

“Yes, Captain.” Smitty knew that, for now, the subject of Drake’s feelings for Lady Alexandria was closed. But Smitty had not had his final say, nor had he given up hope. He had never expected the resolution to be easy. If only there were more time …

For the first morning in weeks Alex had no desire to be topside. She sat on the berth in her cabin, rising only to give an occasional glance out the porthole. Within hours she would be in York with her father. Canada … freedom … a new life. At last she would be able to fulfill her dream.

Then why was she no longer sure she wanted it?

She curled up in a small ball on the bed, tucking her feet beneath her. Leaving the crew of La Belle Illusion would be more difficult than leaving her family had been. In truth they were more like a family to her than her own. Here among these rough-edged men she had found a warmth and companionship that she had never known existed. They were like brothers to her, and wise, compassionate Smitty was like a father.

And Drake.

She wrapped her arms around herself in an act of instinctive self-protection. So much remained unfinished between them; so much would be left unknown.

Perhaps it was better that way.

And perhaps not.

She heard the men call out to one another as the ship was maneuvered into port, heard the running footsteps, felt the gentle impact with the dock. She braced herself, waiting for Drake to come below and tell her it was time to go. Still, when the knock on the door did come, she jumped.


Smitty opened the door. “Your pardon, my lady,” he began, as Alex rose from the bed. “We have arrived in York. The captain had urgent business to see to, but he will return shortly to escort you to your father’s residence. During his absence he thought you might enjoy a bath and a change of clothes.”

“A change of …” For the first time in weeks Alex remembered her unorthodox state of dress. She looked panic-stricken. “Oh, Smitty, what will I do? My father would never accept this attire on a woman, especially his daughter.”

Smitty had never seen her so distressed. Even the turbulent storm and the primitive conditions during the months at sea had not unnerved Lady Alexandria as did the thought of her father’s reaction to her unseemly attire. The realization made Smitty dislike Lord Sudsbury immensely.

Do not fret, my lady,” he soothed. “If you will look in the trunk I believe you will find the solution to your problem.”

Curious, Alex opened the trunk and gasped. There, atop the men’s clothing, was her gown, freshly laundered and accompanied by all her undergarments.

“I don’t understand,” she murmured, fingering the dark muslin. “How did it get here?”

“I brought it down this morning while you were finishing your game of whist with the men.”

“But Drake told me it was ruined!”

Smitty’s eyes twinkled. “Yes, well, I suppose he was wrong. It was salvable, after all.”

Alex’s flashing eyes told him she did not believe a word of the ludicrous story. “I will have bathwater sent to you directly, my lady.” He ducked quickly out the door to avoid any further confrontation. He did not envy Drake upon his return.

Drake was in a dark mood when he came back up on deck an hour later. His meeting with Brock had been most unsatisfactory. While the charismatic man had thanked him profusely for his services, he was not in the least inclined to discuss the contents of the message with Drake. Therefore, Drake now knew no more than he had in March when he left England.

Without pausing to discuss the meeting’s outcome with Smitty, Drake scanned the bustling deck for Alexandria. She was nowhere in sight. Where the hell could she be? The sudden thought occurred to him that she might have gone in search of her father on her own. With Alexandria anything was possible.

He took the steps to the berth deck two at a time, marched to the captain’s cabin, and flung open the door.

In the middle of the room, deeply immersed in a tub of warm water, was the object of his search. She started at his unexpected entrance, her half-closed eyes flying open in surprise.