“Yes, princess I feel it.” He glanced up at the sky. “It will be several hours before it is upon us. After our midday meal w

e will batten down La Belle.”

Alex nodded. “We’ve been very lucky with the weather until now. The winds have been strong, but the rains have spared us.”

“Yes, well, we’re not out of the woods yet, my lady,” he reminded her. “We still have many weeks ahead.”

“I know.” Alex sounded delighted rather than upset by the prospect. She leaned back against the smooth wooden planks and looked up at Drake. “When will we near the Saint Lawrence?”

“Not for at least a fortnight,” he replied. “Longer, if the weather does not cooperate.”

Alex’s eyes glowed. “I can hardly wait to see Canada!” She gave Drake a brilliant smile. “I have imagined it so many times—a great untamed wilderness with miles of untouched land and beautiful waters on which to sail.”

Drake grinned. “Is that what you plan to do once we arrive in York? Sail?”

Alex nodded vigorously. “I plan to acquire another skiff as soon as possible. Then I can strike out on Lake Ontario on my own!”

Once again Alex’s infectious enthusiasm warmed the coldness of Drake’s heart. But the reality of her fate, while clear enough to Drake, seemed to escape her. “Don’t you think your father might have other plans for you, princess?” he reminded her gently.

Alex shrugged. “At first, perhaps. But the novelty will wear off. He will be far too busy to be bothered with me.”

“You’re his daughter!”

“I know, but that is how it is between us. Perhaps if I. had been the son he wanted things would have been different, but …” Alex gave a philosophical shrug. “Anyway, I have no fear that Father will monopolize my time. It will be far easier for him if I am not in the way.”

Unbidden, a surge of protectiveness claimed Drake. Didn’t Alex’s parents recognize that she deserved better than two cold and self-centered providers who obviously had no time for their warm and headstrong daughter? Damn them!

The ship lurched unexpectedly, recapturing Drake’s attention.

“Go below and eat,” he ordered Alex quietly. “If you wait much longer your stomach may not cooperate.”

Alex nodded, realizing the storm was moving toward them rapidly. “I’ll finish my meal, then wake Smitty. By that time it will be necessary to ready the ship for its battle with nature.”

Drake grinned at her choice of words. “Would it be foolish to ask if you were intimidated by the thought of the storm?”


“Yes, you are intimidated?” He raised questioning brows.

She walked past him, laughing and shaking her head. “No. I meant, yes, it would be a foolish question. I find the thought of a storm at sea fascinating.”

Drake gave an exaggerated sigh. “I was afraid of that. I suppose that also means that I would be wasting my breath if I insisted that you stay below.”

“Correct, Captain.”

“All right, princess. You may remain topside—under two conditions,” he added quickly, seeing her jubilant expression.

“Which are?”

“That you stay out of the men’s way while they are working and that you obey me and go below without question if the storm is a bad one.” Seeing her forthcoming protest, Drake shook his head emphatically. “I have made many concessions to you, Alexandria, but this is one I will not make. I expect my orders on this ship to be followed unconditionally, especially in times of danger. Do you understand?”

Alex recognized the unyielding glint in his emerald eyes. With a sigh of defeat, she agreed. “All right, Captain. You’ve made your point. I will bow to your command.”

Drake smiled to himself as he watched her go below. Her sarcasm had not been lost on him. He would have to keep a sharp eye on her during the afternoon hours, for she was about as submissive as a wild stallion. In truth, however, he was not overly concerned, for he did not expect the storm to be severe.

By late afternoon the crew had readied the ship for its bout with the elements. The cargo had been secured, all hands were ready on deck, and still every sign indicated to Drake that the coming storm would be insignificant.

Before dusk he changed his mind.