Drake drew back, surprised as much as frustrated. There was no mistaking the genuine panic in her voice. Had he heard disdain, he would have assumed she felt it beneath her to want a lowly ship’s captain. But what he heard was not haughtiness; it was fear. He glanced down at her as she struggled to stand on her own.

“Let me go,” she demanded.

“I thought you wanted to learn something?” He grinned.

“Not what you have in mind to teach!” she shot back.

He chuckled, moving to put a respectable distance between their bodies. “You win, princess,” he conceded. “I promise to limit your education to sailing.”

She eyed him suspiciously, then nodded. “All right. As long as I have your word.”

“And do you trust my word?” Laughter lurked in the brilliant green eyes.

“I suppose I must.”

“Thank you for your faith, grudging though it may be,” he laughed. “Very well, let us begin your first lesson.”

Alex took to the helm like a fish to water. Even Drake had to admit that she was a natural sailor. She hung on to his every word, asking frequent questions, then experimenting with the explanations. Despite her diminutive size, she was tireless, refusing to give in to hunger or fatigue.

Drake could have ended the lesson at any time, but the thought seemed not to occur to him. Long past the dinner hour they labored on the quarterdeck, sharing their great love of the sea. It seemed they had finally established peace between them, and the newfound companionship was sustained.

Until it came time for bed.

Chapter 5


ID YOU DO with my clothes?”

No storm could be as fierce as the one that raged in Alexandria’s flashing eyes as she faced Drake across the cabin. Her expression was murderous, her small hands clenched at her sides, her tone lethal.

Drake closed the door behind him with a firm click. “By ‘your clothes’ I presume you mean that dusty gown and shredded chemise you discarded on my cabin floor?” He leaned nonchalantly against the wall, regarding her with amusement.

Alex was too angry to be shocked at his casual mention of her undergarment. “You know damned well what clothes I mean!”

“Now, now … such language, my lady. I am truly shocked.”

She looked as though she might strike him.

“I demand that you return my things at once!”

His brows went up. “You demand? Careful, princess, your snobbish airs are showing. Remember, on this ship the only one who demands is me.” He crossed the room, ignoring her as if she were no more than an annoying child.

She stepped in front of him, blocking his way.

“Did you want something, my lady?” He paused, studying her livid expression. She was as transparent as glass, her anger and exasperation clearly evident on her beautiful face. Drake grinned. “Your clothes are no longer with us.”

The color in her face deepened. “What?”

“They were torn from your adventure.”

“Liar!” she shot back. “There was no reason for you to discard them … at least not for the reason you just gave.”

Her accusing tone made him chuckle. “You are quite correct, princess. The real reason is that I cannot have you parading around in your finery. My men are already lusting after you quite openly. We wouldn’t want to further intoxicate their senses, now would we?”

“The only one on this ship who has treated me with any disrespect is you!” she retorted.

He folded his arms across his broad chest. “Then be grateful that I have limited you to men’s attire. Perhaps you will be safe from my lecherous advances.”