“They departed yesterday.”

Sebastian’s expression grew predatory. “Am I to understand that you ladies have been here unattended?”

Even Samantha could not miss the obvious gleam in her brother’s eyes. She frowned. “We have a houseful of servants, Sebastian. We were hardly alone.”

“Just the same, I am glad that my business concluded sooner than expected. This way I am here, should you need me.”

Alex felt sickened by his innuendos. “What I need now is some warm food and a good night’s sleep.” She rose, averting her gaze. “If you will both excuse me, I will go to my chambers and dress for dinner.”

Samantha watched Alex’s pale face with concern. “Are you all right now?” she asked anxiously.

“Why? Were you ill, Alexandria?” Sebastian jumped on his sister’s words.

“I am fine. Only a bit tired.” Alex shot Samantha a warning look, which the younger girl understood immediately.

“Good.” Samantha stood also, her tone cheery. “Then let us go and dress for dinner.”

Any opportunity the women might have had to continue their talk was thwarted by Sebastian, who insisted on accompanying them to their rooms. He was undaunted by the clear message Alex conveyed by shutting her door firmly in his face, for he could sense victory … and it was close at hand.

Dinner was torture for Alex.

She wondered how long she could tolerate Sebastian’s presence without Drake at her side to put a damper on his brother’s lewd comments and suggestive leers. Even Samantha’s chatter could not ease Alex’s discomfort. She spent most of the meal staring indifferently at her food and pushing it around on her plate. Pregnancy had already diminished her usual hearty appetite, and Sebastian eliminated what little she had left. The evening could not end soon enough.

They were still savoring their apricot tarts when Alex pushed back her chair and stood.

“I hope you will both forgive me, but I am truly exhausted.” The apology in her eyes was for Samantha, who nodded her understanding at once. “I am going to retire for the night.” She gathered up her skirts and headed for the door.

“Sleep well, Alex,” Samantha called after her. “Perhaps Drake will return with the new day.”

Alex met her gaze with silent understanding. “I hope so,” she replied in a wistful voice. She climbed the stairs to her room, praying that Samantha’s words would become reality. Now that she carried Drake’s child, Alex found that she needed her husband more than ever—needed him and wanted him by her side.

The night deepened. Gradually all activity at Allonshire ceased, and the lights were doused as the great house settled into slumber.

Alone in his chambers, Sebastian paced back and forth across the room, pausing only to take frequent gulps of brandy. He was frustrated and angry, for his plans had been thwarted at every turn. In truth, he had left for London on the morning after the ball because he had been unable to feign brotherly love for Drake any longer. The blasted man led a charmed life. Instead of being dead, he was very much alive … and being treated like an injured hero.

Sebastian lifted his glass and blazed a fiery trail of the dulling liquid down his throat. Things had been progressing so nicely; he had come so close to having it all. And then Drake had returned from the dead, just in time to assume his title—a title he had no use for and did not even want. Damn him to hell.

Sebastian raked his fingers through his hair, his mind searching for a new alternative. He sensed that Drake and Smitty already suspected something sinister. He could not afford to arouse their suspicions any further. But there had to be a way. A way to have Drake’s title, Drake’s power … Drake’s wife.

Sebastian’s head shot up as the reality of the situation struck him. Drake was away. It was very late at night, and the entire household was asleep. No one would hear him or try to stop him. A slow, satanic smile spread across his face. He might have to wait a bit longer for the title and the power, but tonight Drake’s wife would be his. …

Alex welcomed her solitude with a great sense of relief. Anxious to be alone with her thoughts, she had dismissed Molly early, insisting that she could tend to herself this one night. She stood at her curtained window, staring out at the moonlit gardens below. Idly she drew her brush through her thick hair, which hung in loose waves down the back of her lemon yellow night rail. Her thoughts were of Drake and of their future together.

The sound of her bedroom door opening made Alex’s heart leap with joy. She spun about, making no attempt to conceal her pleasure. “Drake?”

“No, Alexandria, not Drake.”

A chill of dread replaced her joy. “What do you want, Sebastian?” Instinctively she backed against the wall.

“Need you ask?” He gave a harsh laugh and closed the door behind him, pausing to light a small lamp on the nightstand. He wanted there to be no chance of her escaping him.

Hands on hips, clad only in his breeches, Sebastian turned to face her … and waited.

Their gazes locked across the room—his, hungry; hers, alarmed.

Weaving slightly, he moved toward her. “There is no need to look like a frightened doe,” he taunted. “I have no intention of harming you.”

Alex swallowed. “Then what do you intend to do?”