
“Oh, Alex, don’t tell me you haven’t told him?” Her youthful voice was filled with dismay.

“No, I haven’t,” Alex admitted in a tiny voice. “There hasn’t been a chance. I only just realized it myself. I was going to tell him the night of the ball, but …” Her voice trailed off.

Samantha knew something had happened the night of the ball to precipitate Drake’s departure and Alex’s melancholy, but she had made the firm resolution not to interfere.

“When will the baby be born?” she asked instead.

Alex smiled. “In mid-April, I think.”

“I am so happy for you.” Samantha took both of Alex’s hands in hers. “Rest assured I will not divulge the news to anyone.”

“I know.” Alex paused, her lovely face clouding. “The second revelation is terrifying. I never wanted to involve you, but I know how much you love Drake, and I need your help.”

“My goodness, this sounds so mysterious!”

“It is more than mysterious, Sammy. It’s horrifying.” She lowered her voice to a whisper. “Drake’s riding accident was no coincidence. It was a deliberate attempt to harm him, just as the sinking of La Belle Illusion was no accident but a calculated plot to kill Drake.”

Samantha’s face drained of color, and she remained silent for a moment, digesting the information that Alex had just given her. “Are you saying that someone is trying to murder Drake?” she managed.

“Shhh.” Alex put her finger to her lips. “Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. I have tried every way I know to figure out who it is, with no success.”

“Did Drake tell you this?” Samantha demanded.

“I overheard him talking with Smitty. They have no idea that I heard them, nor do they have any intention of telling me. So I took matters into my own hands.” Now that Alex had begun, the words tumbled over themselves in an effort to be said. “Drake’s saddle strap was deliberately cut, and it occurred to me that a guest at the house party might have done it. I questioned every person at the ball … without their understanding why, of course.”

“And?” Samantha asked eagerly.

Alex sagged back against the settee, looking bleak. “And … nothing. I gained no information as to who might be responsible.”

“But, Alex, who would want Drake dead?” Samantha demanded in a fierce whisper.

“I honestly don’t know. But perhaps between the two of us we can figure it out.”

“My God,” Samantha breathed, staring at Alex with awe and respect. “You have been shouldering all of this by yourself, dealing with it alone, these past days?”

“I didn’t want to frighten you.”

Samantha shook her head. “You will find that I am stronger than you think, Alex. I’ve had to be. And if it means protecting Drake, there is nothing I won’t do.”

Alex squeezed Samantha’s hand, feeling relieved and proud. Sammy had all of Drake’s strength of character and fierce loyalty to those she loved. Alex was honored that they were friends and sisters.

Sebastian paused outside the closed drawing room door, frowning. So this was where his sister and Drake’s little wife were hiding. He had searched everywhere else, but to no avail. Having left Allonshire on the morning after the ball, Sebastian had expected to return from London to find a houseful of guests still enjoying the lazy days in the country. He had been surprised and a bit uneasy at Humphreys’s explanation that the guests had all departed and his grace had left three days ago on a sea voyage of indeterminate length. Something was definitely amiss … and he intended to discover what it was.

He could hear Alex and Samantha whispering in the drawing room, but he could not make out the words. Whatever they were saying, it set off a warning bell in his head. Forcing himself to relax, he knocked.

For a moment there was silence, and then he heard Alex’s voice call, “Yes?”

He opened the door, the usual charming smile pasted upon his face. “Hello, ladies, I suspected you were in here.”

Samantha looked surprised. “Sebastian, I thought you were still in London.”

“My plans changed,” came the short reply. He leaned casually against the wall, his gaze, in contrast to his stance, as alert as a hawk’s. “What is this I hear about Drake being away?” His eyes were on Alex.

“He is testing our new ship.” It was Samantha who answered, regarding her brother coolly, with none of the tenderness or sparkle that lit her face when she looked at Drake. “He should be home any day now.”

“And our guests?”