“I’m trying to, Ariana. If you would just listen.”

“You really believe you were justified, don’t you? That’s the most frightening part.” Ariana dropped her arms dejectedly to her sides. “That’s always been your problem, Baxter. You do what you want, then explain it away by blaming others. Ever the victim, never the culprit.” Her eyes filled with tears. “I don’t need to ask about Richard Kingsley. I know the answer. I suppose I knew it before I asked. Oh, Baxter, I pity you.” She turned to leave.

“Ariana!” He stormed up behind her and whirled her around. “You’ve only been married to the man for a month. How can you believe his word over mine?”

“Because he is telling the truth.”

“And what about Vanessa?”

“What about Vanessa? I don’t think we’ll ever really know the truth about her death. The only thing I do know is that my husband didn’t kill her. Nor did he drive her to suicide.” Ariana gave a hollow laugh. “The ironic thing is that he never even touched her.”

“That’s a lie!” Baxter bellowed, a vein throbbing in his temple. “If you’d seen her agony each night when she came home from him, when she left his bloody bed …”

“I’m not listening to another word.” Ariana turned on her heel. “I may forgive you someday, Baxter. But only because you’re my brother. What you did was despicable.”

The door slammed behind her.

“Ariana!” He recovered slowly, then took off after her. He reached the front door in time to see the Kingsley carriage disappear around the drive.

The echo of a solitary round of applause rang out behind him.

“That was quite a performance. Worthy of the stage. I am impressed: Our baby sister has indeed become a creature of great passion.”

Baxter swung around. “You heard?”

“How could I help but hear?” Vanessa asked, her brows raised in a sarcastic question. “Evidently, she and Trenton have become exceedingly close since wedlock.” She wet her lips with the tip of her tongue. “Did you say Ariana is pretty? I’ve only caught glimpses of her from a distance.”

“Yes, but what the hell has that got to do with anything?”

“I was only wondering if His Grace has seen fit to take her to his bed.”

“You can stop wondering: He has.”

“How can you be sure?” Vanessa snapped.

“I asked. Ariana told me.” Baxter peered out the window to make certain there were no more surprise visitors, thus missing the look of twisted rage on his sister’s face. “Ness, you shouldn’t be out in the open like this.”

“Stop being so jumpy, Baxter. No one will see me.” Deliberately, Vanessa composed her features. “Ariana actually, told you that Trenton had bedded her?”

Baxter nodded. “Yes. At first I was livid, thinking he had forced her … the way he did you. I haven’t forgotten the stories you told me, Ness, or the way you looked some nights when you’d arrive home. I knew the man could be brutal. It sickened me to think he’d be that way again, this time with Ariana.”

“And was he?”

“No. That’s the strange part. She seems … well, happy, when she speaks of him. She cares for the scoundrel: It’s written all over her face.”

“I cared for him too.” Venomous hatred filled Vanessa’s eyes. “He used me. Discarded me like a pile of rubbish, destroyed my reputation. Or have you forgotten? He took my innocence, just as he took Ariana’s. Only mine he stole before we wed, with the promise that I’d soon be his wife, a promise he had no intention of fulfilling. The whole world expected me to become Mrs. Trenton Kingsley. I could have been with child … his child—but did he care? Not a whit! He threw me into the wet sand and walked away, not giving a damn if I was alive or dead.” She turned away, trembling with rage. “I’d forgotten how much I hate him. It’s because of Trenton Kingsley that I was forced to marry Henri, flee to France, and live six years of hell.”

“All that’s behind you now.” Baxter came to stand in back of her, placing his hands on her shoulders.

“It will never be behind me,” she hissed. “Trenton Kingsley destroyed our lives. I thought we’d destroyed his in return. But apparently the price we extracted was far too low. He has enormous wealth, the highest of titles, great success, newly acquired acceptance, and now our sister. While we have nothing.”

Baxter’s jaw clenched. “I was pondering that very thing when you surprised me with your appearance. Somehow, some way, I intend to make that bastard pay.”

“If my plan works, we’ll bring Trenton Kingsley to his knees. We’ll emerge victorious … and very, very rich.” She averted her head to glance at Baxter. “Doesn’t that sound intriguing?”

“Fill me in on this plan of yours.”

“If Trenton were proved to be mad, completely insane, he would be committed and Ariana would have total access to his money, right?”