“But the journal wasn’t proof—”

“The authorities require proof. The ton doesn’t.”

“What did you do?” Ariana asked woodenly.

“The only thing I could to protect my family. My father was dying.… The Kingsley name was his life. So I paid Baxter … fifty thousand pounds, to be exact … in exchange for the journal.” Trenton’s throat worked convulsively, and he shook his head in furious self-disgust. “I should have realized that wouldn’t be the end of it. Once the money was in his possession, he flourished the suicide note for the world to see. He couldn’t accuse me of murder, not without that journal, so instead he accused me of driving his sister to suicide. The effect was almost as severe.”

“Is that when you went to Baxter and begged?”

“Yes … for all the good it did me.”

“Your father died anyway.” Ariana dashed the anguished tears from her cheeks and took Trenton’s hands. “Oh, Trenton, I’m so terribly, terribly sorry.”

Trenton’s deep-rooted cynicism wavered beneath his wife’s unconditional faith. “Are you? Even though I uprooted your life, using Victoria’s edict as my ultimate retribution?”

“Yes. I can only imagine the pain you must have endured.”

Incredulously, Trenton shook his head. “Surely you must have doubts, questions?”

“I have many doubts … and I will address them very soon … with the person responsible for them. As for questions, I have only one.”

“Which is?” He steeled himself.

“Why have you punished yourself all these years? By hating my family, hating what they’d done, you’ve isolated yourself from the world, and from the wonderful man that you are. Neither Baxter nor Vanessa are worth that, Trenton. And from what I’ve heard of your father, I think he’d agree.” Ariana raised up on tiptoes to kiss the hard line of his jaw. “You didn’t kill your father, Trenton; you loved him. Love is a wondrous thing, enabling you to be strong when nothing else wil


“Let my love in,” she urged softly. “Don’t fight me. I’m not asking for your love in return … not yet. But don’t close yourself off from me, or from the man you are when we’re together. He’s really quite splendid.”

Trenton’s arms closed around her. “Keep loving me,” he demanded. “Help me, misty angel.”

Ariana buried her face against his chest, thanking the heavens for this first bittersweet victory.

Bracing herself for the battle that lay ahead.



BAXTER TOSSED OFF HIS brandy, contemplating his surprising dilemma. His plan to avail himself of the Kingsley fortune was proving even more difficult than he’d imagined. Allowing Ariana to wed the bastard had seemed the quickest way to get his hands on the duke’s extensive funds. Oh, Baxter had known what his main obstacle would be: Ariana’s bloody ethics. What he hadn’t counted on was his baby sister developing feelings for the contemptible blackguard.

Slamming his glass to the table, Baxter began pacing the length of the library. Everything he wanted seemed to dangle tauntingly before him, only to be perpetually snatched out of reach. And always by the same man: Trenton Kingsley.

Damn him to hell. First, he’d robbed Baxter of Vanessa, now of Ariana. Surely there had to be some equity in this world, enough to compensate Baxter for his perpetual losses.

Losses that were total now, leaving him not only alone, but utterly destitute.

The only compensation left was money.

Which brought him back to his original quandary: How could he gain Ariana’s cooperation?

He’d intended to ask her during her last visit, but they’d been sidetracked by that blasted note and journal. Plus, now that he realized she actually cared for the scoundrel, he’d have to try another approach. But what? Ariana didn’t have a dishonest bone in her body. She’d never agree to steal from her own husband. Even though, Lord knew, she was entitled to every penny. After all, she’d been forced to sacrifice her youth, her innocence, her entire future to the formidable Duke of Broddington.

What was it that women saw in him? Baxter wondered, coming to a halt. First Vanessa, now Ariana. The man’s luck with ladies was as staggering as his luck with money.

While Baxter had nothing.

Leaning his head wearily against the walnut bookshelves, Baxter sought a miracle.