“Yes. In truth, I was dreadfully relieved.”

“What did you enjoy doing?” he asked curiousiy.

“I kept a detailed journal of every animal, bird, and plant at Winsham. But most of my day was spent on French lessons.”

“Ah, so you enjoyed French.”

“I loathed it.”

Trenton’s brows drew together in question. “Then why …”

“Because Mademoiselle Leblanc commanded it.”

“Who on earth is Mademoiselle Leblanc?”

“My governess,” Ariana supplied. “She thought all other studies but French to be frivolous.” So saying, she marched behind the straight-backed chair and slapped her palm on the walnut desk, pinching her nose with the other hand. “You will learn your French, enfant … or there will be no breakfast today!” Ariana recited in a nasal monotone. “We cannot waste time on idle daydreams, nor can we learn what is most important by scribbling rubbish on paper.”

Wagging a finger in Trenton’s direction, Ariana scowled in mock disapproval. “Someday you will marry a wealthy, titled gentleman and travel abroad; you must be thoroughly familiar with français … la langue de beauté. Oh, you spout terms such as le moineau and le rouge-gorge flawlessly, as well as le jasmin, le chèvrefeuille, and every other bird and flower in Winsham’s garden. But I assure you, un noble will be unimpressed by hearing you translate ‘sparrow,’ ‘robin,’ ‘jasmine,’ and ‘honeysuckle’! No, enfant, he will not be at all pleased with a wife whose only French consists of the names of les oiseaux et les fleurs!”

Involuntary laughter erupted from Trenton’s chest. “She sounds monstrous! How did you ever tolerate her?”

Ariana lowered her arms and dimpled. “It was quite simple really. You see, mademoiselle was completely blind without her spectacles. So twice a week I merely misplaced them for her, and while she was in the midst of a long-winded soliloquy on the beauty of the French language, I climbed out the window. She never noticed. And fortunately for me, Winsham’s schoolroom leads directly to the stables. So my mornings were heavenly.”

“And here I thought you were the most docile and obedient of children.” Trenton chuckled.

Ariana leaned forward, pressing a conspiratorial finger to her lips. “Everyone thought so. And I was … most of the time.”

“I’ll remember that.”

“And I’ll remember to be docile and obedient.”

“Most of the time,” he clarified. “There are places where submissive behavior is most undesirable.”

Their eyes met … and all the amusement suddenly vanished.

Ariana drew a slow breathy her heart accelerating to a rapid thud. Trenton’s gaze darkened and fell to her mouth, and Ariana could actually feel his inadvertent movement toward her.

Then, abruptly, he turned away.

Tension crackled in the air, suffocating the beauty of the past moments. Desperate to preserve, if not the fervor of their longing, then the easiness of their banter, Ariana blurted out the first thing that came into her head.

“Did Dustin follow in your footsteps?”

Trenton swung his head around to look at her. “Pardon me?”

“In his academic preferences. Did Dustin follow in your footsteps?”

Visibly, he relaxed. “Dustin preferred initiating his own footsteps.” A faint smile touched Trenton’s lips. “From early on, his interest in women far exceeded his interest in learning. Fortunately, his talents are innate. Otherwise, I shudder to think how he’d be spending his time now.”

“Talents?” Ariana’s questioning emphasis was on the plural.

Trenton nodded. “Architectural design is merely a hobby of Dustin’s. And conventional business opportunities were never his forte. No, Dustin’s true aptitudes lie in an area that will please you greatly. He buys and breeds some of the most magnificent racehorses I’ve ever seen.”

“At Tyreham?”

Yes. His contenders have placed in the Derby, the Two Thousand Guineas … I could go on and on. He has a unique flair for selecting prime horseflesh and, through inbreeding, creating extraordinary offspring. His prize mare, Sorceress, nearly took the Goodwood Cup last month, and I believe he’s grooming one of his colts to run at Newmarket’s Rowley Mile course this fall.”

“I had no idea!” Ariana said in amazement.