“I’m determined to give that to her. All she should have had but didn’t.”

“She wants to give you the same: happiness, peace of mind, love.” A pause. “Children.”

Trenton’s features went taut, and he was suddenly completely sober. “Are you saying …”

“No. Or rather, I have no way of knowing. If Ariana were expecting your child, I’m hardly the one she’d be confiding in.” A corner of Dustin’s mouth lifted into a half-smile. “But surely you recall how babies are created, Trent. And even I can attest to the fact that you’ve done your damnedest to increase the probability of your becoming a father.”

Unsmiling, Trenton stared at his brother. “I’ve been so steeped in memories … I never even considered … Lord, Dustin, what if Ariana really is pregnant? How will the events of my past… and present… affect my child?”

“A better question is, how will your desertion affect him? You just cited all the deprivations Ariana endured growing up alone, without her parents’ nurturing. Is that what you want for your child? To come into this world without the foundation of his father’s love? Is it?”

Trenton’s jaw set. “You’ve become bloody unconscionable, you know that?”

A grin. “I learned from the best: my older brother.” Dustin released Trenton’s arms, heading for the stairs. “I’ll help you pack. We can catch the next ferry back to Sussex and be at Broddington in time for lunch.”

Broddington—in time for lunch. The words sank in, bringing with them an inordinate sense of relief and the first pleasure Trenton had known in days. God help him if he was being unfair, but he could no longer squelch the need that gnawed at his gut—a need only Ariana’s love could fill.

The possibility that his child was growing inside her made Trenton’s soul swell with pride, and an emotion so vast it hurt. But the truth was, whether there was a child or not, whether he was totally mad or entirely sane, he had to be with his wife.

“All right, Dustin,” Trenton agreed, his voice choked. “Let’s go home.”

The brothers’ gazes met, both men simultaneously struck by the enormity of Trenton’s transformation. Not only had he fallen totally in love with his wife, but something equally profound had occurred, something Trenton’s own pronouncement had just revealed.

Over the past month Ari

ana’s love had changed not only her husband’s life, but his home as well. Broddington, Richard Kingsley’s great architectural achievement, was no longer a magnificent mausoleum.

Ariana was there.

And now it was home.



EVEN THERESA WAS STILL asleep when Ariana left Broddington that morning.

It was rare for Ariana to arise before her lady’s maid, but today it was remarkably easy, considering the fact that she’d never been to bed. Instead, she’d spent the long hours of night assimilating all the information she had acquired. By dawn’s first light, she was more convinced than ever that the only solution was for her to go to Winsham. Immediately. If Baxter were guilty, she would discover it herself—today. If not, she would eliminate that possibility once and for all and proceed with her investigation.

Scribbling a quick note for Dustin, Ariana left the manor. There was no point in awakening him; for, as she had told Theresa yesterday, this was something she had to take care of herself.

During the carriage ride, Ariana thought about Trenton, praying that he was coming to grips with his pain. She wondered how a man who was capable of being so very gentle and caring could condemn himself as a coldblooded murderer. As to the rest of the world’s denunciation, surely someone besides her could see the real Trenton; the compassionate man he kept buried beneath layers of self-protection and bitterness.

Soberly, she reflected back over their tumultuous marriage and its hurtling emotions: tenderness to passion, passion to anger, and yes, sometimes to fear. But through it all, some innate sense of trust had always reassured Ariana that her husband would never hurt her.

How could a man who initiated his bride so gently, with such worry and candor about causing her pain, be violent or devious? How could a man who nursed a sick owl back to health be cruel? How could a man who gave freely to the poor, helping them with no expected compensation, be brutal?

He couldn’t.

Ariana knew it. Dustin knew it. Theresa knew it.

Some of Theresa’s sage comments about Trenton’s history came to mind.

I don’t believe love was ever the issue.… You recall your sister, he doesn’t want you because of Vanessa … he wants you in spite of her. Fear had as little to do with the events of the past as did love.

Finally, Ariana could clearly discern what her friend had been subtly conveying to her. With her astute observations, Theresa had been clarifying Trenton’s character—and Vanessa’s.

The wise lady’s maid had also intimated that Ariana had to find her own answers—if she was strong enough to seek them. Well, she had become strong enough.