Ariana shook her head. “I know my brother. Groundless cruelty has never been his forte, nor is he devious by nature. He is, however, greedy and shallow … neither of which would precipitate so complex a plan. He’d cajole a robin out of her nest if the eggs were worth a large enough sum, but not for the sole purpose of torturing the bird. I know he detests Trenton. But what could he gain from intentionally tormenting him?”

“That’s true,” Dustin agreed pensively. “It does seem to leave a piece of the puzzle still missing. Not to mention that Baxter’s guilt wouldn’t explain the identity of the woman posing as Vanessa.”

“No … but someone is intentionally masquerading as my sister,” Ariana rushed on to defend. “Trenton didn’t imagine what he saw at the river. … I’m as sure of his sanity as I am of my own.”

“You’ll get no argument from me.” Dustin gave her shoulder a reassuring squeeze. “I’m on your side, sweetheart.”

Ariana bowed her head, her long lashes sweeping her cheeks. “I know you are. … And I’m sorry if I snapped at you. It just hurts me so to see him suffer like this.” Her hands balled into fists at her sides. “I intend to unravel this mystery.”

“Where is Trent now?”

“Asleep … finally. He was out walking, all night and agonizing all morning. I left word with Jennings that I was in London shopping.” A faint smile touched her lips. “I want the sitting room to be a surprise.”

“My lips are sealed.” Dustin cupped her chin, raising it so he could meet her troubled gaze. “Let me help you solve this dilemma. We both love Trent. But we also both know he is a stubborn, difficult, and unyielding man.”

“Who’d be more apt to accept help from his brother than from his wife,” Ariana finished defeatedly.

“No. Who is profoundly in love with his wife and determined to protect her.”

“You mean in case Baxter is involved?”

“To some degree, yes. Also remember that whoever is actually committing these bizarre acts could be unstable, possibly even dangerous.”

Ariana wet her lips with the tip of her tongue, her mind focusing on something Dustin had said. “Dustin, do you really think Trenton is in love with me?”

“I don’t think… I know.”

“He’s never said so.”

“Hasn’t he?”

Understanding dawned, coupled, with hope. “In his way … I suppose he has.”

“Words are very difficult for Trent. Have patience with him, Ariana. Someday the words will come.”

Ariana nodded, swallowing past the lump in her throat. “Thank you, Dustin,” she whispered.

He gathered her against him for a brief, comforting hug. “Go,” he instructed into her bright hair. “You have a husband who needs you and I have some sketches to design for a very demanding patron.”

“Were you in London all this time?”

Hollow-eyed and pale, Trenton rose from behind his heavy library desk, looking questioningly at Ariana over the pile of papers that were strewn everywhere.

“I just got home,” she answered evasively, taking in his haunted expression with great concern. “I thought you’d still be in bed.”

“I couldn’t sleep.” He came around to face her. “What did you need in London?”

“Nothing special. I just wanted to do some shopping.”

“And did you?”

“Did I what?”

“Do some shopping?”

“Yes … no … well, actually, I did browse, but nothing caught my fancy.”

“Really.” He sounded odd, but Ariana didn’t dare meet his gaze for fear of betraying herself. Instead, she kept her gaze level with his waistcoat.