“I didn’t come for your pity, Baxter. I came for your help.”

“I’d move heaven and earth for you, and you know it,” he declared fervently.

She walked into his embrace, laying her head on his shoulder. “You would, wouldn’t you? My wonderful, protective older brother. I’d forgotten how good it felt to be loved.”

“I want to break that bastard’s filthy neck. Where is he now?”

Vanessa shrugged. “With one of his mistresses, no doubt. I really don’t care.” Her chin set grimly. “All I know is that I’m not going back. Even if my plan fails … even if he comes after me … I’ll never go back.”

“I’ll kill him before I let him touch you,” Baxter bit out. Gently, he stroked her hair. “Your plan?” His sister’s words suddenly sank in. “What plan?”

“I’ll tell you in a moment.” She stepped back. “First you tell me about our sister and her advantageous marriage.”

Baxter frowned, shoving his hands in his pockets. “I told you everything in the telegram. Kingsley showed up here with an edict from the Queen. He and Ariana were married almost a month ago.”

“So she is now the Duchess of Broddington.”


Vanessa threw back her head and laughed. “Ironic, isn’t it? That after all my carefully laid plans, it is my timid little mouse of a sister who acquires it all. My, how she must have changed.”

“Actually, Ariana is much the same; only older and lovelier.” He smiled. “She looks a lot like you, Ness.”

“Except that she’s the one married to Trenton Kingsley!”

“After all that’s happened, you still want him?”

“I don’t want any man, Baxter.” Vanessa turned away. “All I want is the vengeance that’s owed me.” She laced her fingers together. “When did you last speak to Ariana?”

“A fortnight ago. She’s with Kingsley on the Isle of Wight.”

Vanessa spun around. “They returned a week ago.”

“How do you know that?”

“I told you. I’ve done some discreet checking.” She smiled, a hard, cold smile. “Which leads me to my plan. A plan that I need your help with … and one that involves money; a lot of money … and a very discreet seamstress. Have I piqued your interest?”

Baxter’s eyes gleamed. “I’m all ears.”

“Baxter? Baxter, where are you?”

The angry voice and vibrating door echoed through the house and interrupted whatever Vanessa had been about to say.

“It’s Ariana.” Baxter lurched forward, seizing Vanessa’s elbows.

“She can’t find me at Winsham.” Vanessa paled, whirling about, seeking somewhere to hide.

“She can’t find you anywhere—she thinks you’re dead,” Baxter hissed back, already heading for the hallway. “You stay here. I’ll handle it.” He was out of the room in three strides, slamming the door shut behind him. “Sprite? Is that you?” He put as much distance between himself and the library as he could, before colliding with Ariana at the foot of the stairs.

“Where were you?” she demanded.

“What do you mean? I was in my study.”

“Why didn’t Coolidge answer the door?”

“He’s on holiday. Ariana, what is the matter with you?”

“We need to talk, Baxter. Her turquoise eyes were ablaze with the kind of anger Baxter had never seen her display.