Half tempted to make some excuse and head out, she suddenly remembered the appointment book. If she left the office without returning it, her uncle would undoubtedly come back and discover it missing. Then he'd know she was up to something, which would arouse his suspicions and, consequently, undo everything she'd accomplished thus far.

She eased back on the settee. She had to have patience, to find a way to replace the appointment book before leaving the office.

How was another matter entirely—one she wished she'd given some thought to before she'd snatched the bloody thing. Then again, there hadn't been time. If she'd taken one extra minute to think things through, her opportunity to seize the book would have vanished and she never would have had the chance to read those potentially incriminating entries.

Somehow, some way, she had to await her uncle's return and accompany him into his office, then find a way to slip the appointment book back onto his desk—before he noticed it was missing.

Lord only knew what she was letting herself in for, especially given the wretched mood her uncle would doubtless be in after his heated discussion with Bates.

Well, she'd just have to contend with that, as well.

She lowered her head, resuming her perusal of the files. Being she was stuck here, she might as well make the most of it. She'd pore over as many receipts as time permitted.

Twenty minutes later, George stalked into the office, a black scowl darkening his face. His breath was coming quickly—as if he'd been running or, perhaps, arguing strenuously. He barely glanced at Roberts or Anastasia, but he

aded straight for his office door. His hand shook as he fitted the key into the lock, and it took him three attempts to get the door open.

Either he's been drinking or, more likely, he craves a drink, Anastasia mused silently.

Just the thing she needed to save her.

Moving to the edge of the settee, she waited until her uncle had taken a few steps inside his office. Then, she shot to her feet, following him in as quietly as she could.

Sure enough, he had crossed the room and was pouring himself a generous helping of brandy.

Without pause, Anastasia yanked the appointment book from beneath her skirts and placed it silently on the desk where she'd found it.

"Uncle George?" she said, pretending she'd just entered the room. "I want to thank you for giving me free rein to explore. It's been exciting to learn just how vast our company has become."

George's head jerked around, and he stared at Anastasia as if she were a loathsome insect. "I'm glad your morning was exciting. Mine wasn't." He drowned his bitterness in two deep swallows of brandy, clearly trying to squelch his obvious hostility toward his niece—hostility rooted in something far harsher, more deep-seated than mere disapproval over her business acumen. "Have you seen enough for one day, or are you intent on further upsetting my filing system and my schedule?"

Anastasia chewed her lip in apparent distress. "I didn't mean to be disruptive. But perhaps you're right. Perhaps I did overstay my welcome a bit, especially in the case of poor Mr. Roberts. He's been waiting on me all morning, probably to the exclusion of his other work." She glanced over her shoulder at the outer office, a rueful expression on her face. "The more I think about it, the more I think I'll be going."

A spark of relief flickered in George's eyes. "I'm sure Roberts would appreciate that. We still have quite a bit of paperwork to review today."

"Then I'll be on my way."

"Fine. Take the carriage."

"But how will you get home?"

"I'll find a way," George snapped. "Just go."

"All right." Anastasia wasn't waiting for her uncle to change his mind. "I'll thank Mr. Roberts and be off."

* * *

A half hour later she walked into the House of Lockewood.

Impatiently, she looked around for Graff, eager to have him announce her to Damen.

She needn't have bothered.

Damen himself was pacing about the bank, his gaze flickering from his customers to the entranceway and back.

The instant he saw Anastasia, he broke away from the crowd, making his way to her side.

"Are you all right?"