This was the last complication he'd expected. First Lyman, then Meade, now Rouge. The obstacles were closing in on him like steel walls.

He'd be damned if he'd get crushed.

He had to regain control. And to do so, he had to get his hands on some money. Now.

Time was running out.

* * *

Chapter 6

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Dawn was slicing the sky in wide streaks of orange and yellow when Anastasia made her way down to the stables the next morning.

She wasn't sure what to expect. Damen hadn't specified a time, and she hadn't had the opportunity to ask. In fact, they hadn't had a minute alone after their waltz tog

ether had ended. Immediately after the strings fell silent, a group of businessmen had cornered Damen, and Lord Percy Gilbert had whisked Anastasia into the next dance. After that, Gilbert had monopolized her attention, relinquishing her only when one of his persistent friends wedged his way between them, demanding a dance.

Breanna had eventually saved her, tactfully summoning her over to where the young women were clustered. According to her, the ladies were eager to make Lady Anastasia's acquaintance.

Anastasia didn't care whether that were true or not. She was thrilled to escape Gilbert's bold innuendos and wanton stares.

But as it turned out, it was true, and Anastasia had found herself the center of a hundred questions about life in the States, the gentlemen she'd met there, and the parties she'd attended.

Sometime after midnight, Damen had wandered over, politely interrupting only to bid both Colby girls good night.

Now it was morning—barely—and Anastasia wondered if Damen was even awake to keep their scheduled appointment. And if so, was he alert enough to race?

She rounded the path leading to the stables and got her answer.

There, leaning against the stable door, clad in a brown riding coat, beige breeches and black Hessian boots, arms folded across his chest as he awaited her arrival, was Damen.

He straightened when he saw her, his lips curving with pleasure, and a touch of surprise.

"I wasn't sure whether or not to expect you," he stated bluntly, walking toward her. "When I said good night, you were still very involved with your guests. I had visions of you dancing till dawn."

"No, only till one," Anastasia assured him, smoothing the folds of her bottle-green riding dress. "And I must admit, I, too, wasn't sure I'd find you here this morning. I thought you might be exhausted from hours of dancing and dispensing business advice."

Damen chuckled. "I don't tire that easily." He stopped, mere inches away from where she stood, his gaze sweeping over her appreciatively. "You look beautiful this morning. As you did last night, by the way. I never had the chance to tell you so. Not one man in your uncle's ballroom could tear his eyes away from you."

"Including you?" Anastasia asked boldly.

"Yes," Damen replied without the slightest hesitation. "Including me." With that, he gestured toward the stable door. "I took the liberty of having two horses saddled, in the event that you did arrive as planned."

"Really?" Anastasia baited. "And are they equally matched? Or can I expect you to be riding Uncle George's swiftest stallion while I'm on a sweet old nag?"

"Now how did I know you'd ask that?" he questioned with a wry grin. "Don't worry. I specifically asked the head groom to choose two well-matched, exceedingly swift mounts for our race." A grand sweep of his arm. "You're welcome to verify it for yourself."

"That won't be necessary." Anastasia tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, studying Damen as she spoke. "Any man who's as honorable in business as you wouldn't resort to cheating in a race. Besides, if you recall, I did promise never to question your integrity again."

"So you did." Damen glanced up as a leathery-faced groom led two horses out—both alert, both sleekly beautiful, their tails flicking in anticipation.

"This here is Sable, on account of her being all black." The groom indicated the first horse. "She's yours, m'lord. And this is Whisper, 'cause she's real quiet, likes to keep her ears up and listen to the other horses. She's for Miss Stacie here. Both these mares can run like the wind."

Anastasia looked at Whisper and frowned.

"What is it?" Damen asked.