"I'm fine," she assured him, kissing his palm. "I'm more than fine. I'm thankful and I'm relieved."

"You were incredibly brave," Breanna declared.

Anastasia gazed proudly at her cousin. "So were you. My ordeal lasted only a few minutes. Yours lasted a lifetime. Your inner strength never ceases to amaze me. Right down to the way you just faced your father, told him the part you played in his capture, when you could so easily have stayed in the shadows, spared yourself the ugliness of his reaction. And why? Because it was important to you that he knew of your commitment, not only to doing what was lawful and right, but to our family and to Grandfather." A glowing smile. "You're the most courageous woman I know."

"One of them," Damen corrected her. "I'm holding the other." Anger slashed his handsome features. "I almost charged out and beat George senseless when he hit you. But I promised Bow Street

I wouldn't interfere until they signaled to me that they'd gotten enough of a confession to do what they had to." His voice grew husky. "I'm sorry he hurt you."

"It was worth it," Anastasia replied fervently. "Because now he'll never hurt anyone again. Also, as Breanna just said, Grandfather can finally rest in peace. As can Mama and Papa." She reached up and kissed Damen, then turned to hug Breanna fiercely. "Let's go home."

She took a few steps, Breanna and Damen following suit.

Breanna had no idea what made her glance back. All she knew was that that eerie sensation she'd experienced earlier returned, crawling up her spine like some odious insect, propelling her to act.

She could feel a pair of eyes boring through her.

She pivoted. Her fingers slipped reflexively into her pocket, as her gaze swept the docks beyond the warehouses.

A silhouette emerged from the fog. A glint of metal flashed in the night.

It was a pistol.

Breanna never hesitated.

In one smooth motion, she whipped out her own pistol, aimed, and fired.

A scream of pain split the darkness. The dark figure grabbed his hand, his gun thudding softly as it struck the ground.

He bent, recovering his weapon just as Damen whirled around, pulling out his own pistol.

Damen never had the chance to shoot.

The silhouette melted into the night.

"My God," Anastasia breathed, shock reverberating through her. "The assassin. But I don't understand—why would he go ahead and kill me when he obviously wasn't going to get paid?"

"He must not have seen Bow Street

," Breanna murmured, still staring at the spot where the armed killer had stood. "The fog is thick. He must have heard Father's voice, then saw the three of us standing alone. I guess he assumed the proof had been confiscated and the deal was still on."

"He'll find out the truth soon enough," Damen muttered, equally shaken. "If he survives that wound you just inflicted. Judging from his scream, it was pretty bad."

"Bad, but not fatal," Breanna corrected. "The bullet struck his hand. I saw him grab for it. The important thing is that I stopped him from doing what he came here to do. When he finds out Father's been arrested, he'll seek an assignment elsewhere."

"Oh, Breanna." Anastasia went to her cousin, grasped her arms. "Do you realize you just saved my life?"

Still trembling, Breanna smiled, although a fine mist veiled her eyes. "Consider it repayment, then. For all the times you saved mine. Beginning with that night we made our pact."

* * *

Cunnings was working later than usual.

It was half after ten, and he was still at the bank, perusing the files to select just the right woman to send Rouge.

Once he found her, he'd haul her onto that ship himself, arrange for her immediate passage to Rouge. That would certainly earn him extra points with Medford. Why, the viscount would be eternally grateful for his assistance. After all, as of tonight, Medford would be mourning the death of his precious niece. He couldn't very well conduct business. Cunnings, on the other hand, could. So he'd visit Medford Manor, pay his respects, and offer to take care of the whole process. Rouge would get his shipment, Medford would get his son-in-law…

…and he would get his spot on the Board of Directors.