It was all the encouragement he needed.

Withdrawing slowly, he watched her face, memorizing her expression as he surged forward, pushed even higher inside her, then repeated the motion, penetrating her in one deep, inexorable stroke. He heard her sob, felt her clench all around him, and he thrust forward again, angling his body so he could caress her inside and out, take her over the edge.

She screamed, her entire body dissolving into wrenching spasms of completion, and Damen pushed deeper into her, matching the rhythm of her climax even as his own built to excruciating heights, clawed at his loins until holding back became an impossibility.

He erupted, hot bursts of seed exploding from inside him, gushing into her in torrents. He threw back his head, shouted her name again and again, every fiber of his being focused beneath the onslaught of sensation. Her climax retriggered his, and spasm after hot spasm wrenched at his loins, shuddered through his body.

Finally, they both collapsed, sinking deep into the bed, too weak to move or speak, too sated to try.

Inhaling the scent of their lovemaking, Damen drifted, savoring the tiny aftershocks of pleasure that rippled through him. He cradled Anastasia in his arms, marveling at the extraordinary sense of peace and contentment that pervaded him.

It was ironic. He'd spent his life making investments—for himself, for others—embarking on ventures that altered circumstances, lives. And yet, despite the magnitude of these investments, he'd just discovered one that was far more vast, one that required all one's resources but yielded immeasurable riches in return.

Love, he mused in wonder. The greatest venture of a lifetime. And it's made without forethought, without reason, and without a whit of control—all of which he prided himself on displaying.

Clearly, he wasn't quite the genius everyone believed him to be.

But, damn, he was lucky.

* * *

Chapter 15

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Somewhere in the house, a grandfather clock chimed four, and Anastasia stirred, murmuring a protest at even that minimal an intrusion.

Interpreting her action as a sign of discomfort, Damen gathered his strength and rolled to one side, taking her with him. "I'm hurting you," he murmured.

She smiled, shaking her head against his chest. "You never hurt me. Not before. Not now." She stretched, then leaned back, gazed up at him. "I never imagined feelings like that were possible."

"Nor did I." His knuckles caressed her cheek. "Then again, I never imagined you were possible. Thank God I was wrong."

Tenderness softened Anastasia's eyes. "You're turning out to be quite the romantic, you know."

"I know." Regret slashed his handsome features. "And the romantic in me wishes I'd walked you down the aisle, made you my wife, and gave you the wedding night you deserve."

"You will." She lay her palm against his jaw. "Damen, dashing off to Gretna Green is not my idea of a wedding. As for what just happened between us, how could anything have been more romantic, or more perfect?"

He turned his lips into her palm. "It couldn't. Nor could you." He bent down, kissed her tenderly. "At least I compelled you to get some sleep."

An impish grin. "If that's your technique, you're welcome to encourage me to sleep any time you want—now, and for the rest of our lives."

"I'll remember that, with pleasure." He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, noting the reminiscent light that glimmered in her eyes. "What were you just thinking?"

"About something Breanna said earlier. She said Grandfather would be delighted that you and I found each other. And I agree. He would."

Damen reflected on his memories of the late viscount, then nodded slowly. "I think you're right. Your grandfather was an exceptional man—intelligent, shrewd, and compassionate. To find all those qualities in one person is a rarity, believe me." A corner of Damen's mouth lifted. "He must have adored you—your spirit, your fire. And that incredibly sharp mind that puts the rest of the world to shame."

Anastasia smiled at Damen's assessment. "I don't recall putting you to shame. Try though I will, I've yet to best you."

"Ah, but I fully expect you to keep on trying," Damen teased. "Think how exciting our marriage will be—in bed and out."

"True." Her smile softened. "As for Grandfather, he adored Breanna and me—each for different reasons. He was the only person, until you, who never confused us. I suppose he saw differences that escape most people."

"He also saw the equally important similarities. Your loyalty and love for each other, your determination to preserve the Colby family. That's why he entrusted you both with that huge inheritance."

"Yes, I know." Anastasia sighed. "I think about that money often, about what Breanna and I can do with it that would ensure Grandfather's wishes are carried out. I feel as if the answer is right here in our own backyard, only we have yet to see it. But whatever it is, it has to be something that would bind our family together, not only now but for generations—actually, forever, if I had my way."