“Have him call me on his way back to my place. We’ll talk as he walks.”

“Is there something to talk about?”

“I’m not sure. I’ll let Monty explain.” A pause. “Good night. Take care of yourself.”

“I’ll try.” Morgan punched end and handed the phone back to Monty. “He said you should call him while you’re walking back to his town house.”

“Will do.”

“He also said you’d tell me what he was calling you about.”

One dark brow rose. “Me? Funny, I got the feeling he was calling you.”

Morgan refused to take the bait, although she did feel her cheeks flush. “What did Lane find?”

“An extra negative,” Monty replied, sobering. “Whether or not that turns out to be significant remains to be seen.”

“I don’t understand.” She turned up her palms in noncomprehension. “What do you mean an extra negative? Where did it come from?”

A shrug. “Could be we never saw a print of it because it wasn’t clear enough to use seventeen years ago, and now technology’s changed that. Could be it resembled another negative closely enough to be overlooked as a duplicate. Could be a print was made but it got lost in another file, or was swiped by a cop who wanted it for his collection. It sounds nuts, but it happens. What’s more important is what Lane can get off of it, if anything.”

Morgan’s gaze remained steady. “Is it a picture of my parents’ bodies?”


Her nod was tight, but resolved. “I need to see those photos. Let’s do it tomorrow, while Lane is away and won’t need access to them.”

“You’re sure?”

“Positive. It’s time you and I had that in-depth conversation you suggested. We’ll do it all at once. The photos, the entire case file, and your probing into my childhood memories. If I have information I don’t realize I have, it’s time we found out.”

Monty’s mouth thinned into a grim line. “Did you talk to your shrink about this? Does he think it’s a good idea? That you’re ready?”

“He agrees it’s necessary.” A humorless smile. “He’ll be on standby, in case I go to pieces. But I won’t.”

“No, I don’t think you will. Fine. We’ll make time tomorrow.”

“I’m at your disposal. Morning or afternoon?”

“Let’s go for afternoon. I’ll use the morning to look into that hit-and-run.” Monty paused. “Speaking of evening, I take it you’re seeing Lane on Wednesday.”

“We’re having dinner. But don’t worry. I promise to send him right back to the photo lab.”

“That’s not why I asked.” Another pause, as Monty studied her. “There’s an interesting chemistry going on between you and my son.”

That startled her. “I…” The flush was back on her cheeks. “Is that a problem?”

“Not for me. Not in the way you mean.” Monty waved away her embarrassment. “Sorry. My observation came out wrong. I don’t screen Lane’s dates. I stopped doing that ages ago. He’s thirty-three, way past the point where I butt into his personal life.” A wry grin. “Actually, this is a strange, ironic position for me to be in.”

“I’m not following.”

“I’m very protective of my daughters; overly so, they’d both tell you. Their mother would agree. You should have seen what I put my son-in-law through before I

gave his relationship with Devon my stamp of approval. And my other daughter, Meredith—she’s got a boyfriend, but I’m not happy. She’s just turning twenty-two, way too young to be involved with a guy.”

“Let me guess.” Morgan’s lips twitched. “You’ve had a double standard where it comes to your son.”

“Sort of. My values were the same. But I worried less. Till now.”