“I hear you. My wife keeps trying to reform me. She’s not the yoga type, but she’s into the great outdoors. She finds herself when she’s hiking, camping, or horseback riding. Since I moved back in, she’s got me taking long walks with her. She says they’re energy-restoring, physically and mentally.”


“And I like them. They get my blood pumping, and give me a chance to tromp around in the snow with Sally. But as for being restored, the only part of me that works for is my body. My mind is running on a treadmill of its own.”

Morgan smiled, leaning forward and propping her chin on her palm. “Lane’s a lot like you, isn’t he?”

“Afraid so.”

“He’s got two sides to him,” Morgan continued, speaking as much to herself as to Monty. “One side’s warm, insightful, and charismatic.”

“And the other’s a stubborn, independent, reckless pain in the ass.”

“Exactly.” Realizing how brusque that sounded, Morgan gave him a rueful look. “Sorry. That came out pretty insulting.”

“Nope. Just true.” Monty shrugged. “Lane’s a complex guy. He’ll get there. He just needs to understand why.”

Before Morgan could question that cryptic remark, Monty’s cell phone rang.

“I’m a popular guy tonight,” he noted, glancing at the caller ID. “Ah, speak of the devil.” He punched the send button. “Lane? Did you find something?” His eyes narrowed. “Huh. No, no major surprise. The better question is, does it show us anything meaningful? Fine, keep enhancing. I’ll be back soon.” A pause. “Yes, she’s fine. Just spooked by some fluke-ish events. Sure, hang on.” He handed the cell to Morgan. “He wants to talk to you.”

Morgan took the phone and put it next to her ear. “Hi. I take it you’re still enhancing.”

“Like a demon. I’m just checking in. You okay?”

“Fine. Your father’s got my minidrama under control.”

“Nothing serious?”

“Just more puzzle pieces.”

“Monty will solve them.”

“I know. With your help.”

“Count on it.” Lane blew out a breath. “Listen, you know I’m going to Colorado with Arthur tomorrow.”

“Jill reminded me, yes.”

“Well, I’ll be back on Wednesday. Are you free for dinner?”

Morgan’s lips curved. “I’ll be a boring aftermath to heli-skiing.”

“I disagree. You’ll be a major source of inspiration.”

There was that charisma, sucking her in. Lane Montgomery at his best was near impossible to resist. “In that case, yes, I’m free.”

“Not anymore. You’re taken for the evening.”

“Ah, and you’re the taker? So this is an order, not a request?”

His chuckle brushed her ear. “Point made. I’ll rephrase. Would you please join me for dinner on Wednesday night? I’d like nothing more. I’ll even make it your choice of cuisine.”

“Nice incentive. I’d be delighted to.”

“Excellent. Is it all right if I call you with an exact time? I’ll have a better idea of what’s what on Wednesday, before we take off for home. Then you can tell me where you want to eat, and I’ll make the reservation.”

“Works for me. We’ll talk then. Have fun.” She gazed quizzically at Monty. “Do you want to talk to your dad?” she asked Lane.