This is a surprise.”

“I doubt it.” Monty pulled off his gloves, looking past Blake and into the foyer. “You weren’t at the office. So I assumed you were here. Are you alone?”

“Yup. Catching up on paperwork.”

“Good. Then you can take a short break.”

Amusement tugged at Blake’s mouth. “Looks that way.” He stepped aside. “Come in.”

Monty was already past him.

“Can I take your jacket?” Blake inquired. He waited while Monty shrugged out of his down parka and handed it over. “I just brewed a pot of coffee. Want a cup?”

“Sounds good—thanks.” Monty glanced around. “Nice place.”

“I like it.” Blake led Monty into the living room, gesturing for him to have a seat on the sofa.

Monty complied.

From behind the closed kitchen door, a series of barks sounded, followed by a round of insistent scratching.

“My golden retriever,” Blake explained.

“No need to keep him in there. He can join us.”

“He’s pretty rowdy.”

“So am I. It’s fine.”

Blake opened the kitchen door, and Chomper exploded out, bright-eyed and panting. He spotted company and raced into the living room, sniffing Monty’s jeans and boots with great enthusiasm. Then he jumped up, paws on Monty’s lap, and began licking his face.

“Down, Chomper,” Blake commanded.

Reluctantly, Chomper obeyed, landing on all fours. He brightened up when Monty leaned over and began scratching his ears.

“Hey, boy. You’re a real ball of energy, aren’t you?”

Chomper barked. Then, bored by the inactivity, he crouched down, eyeing the bottom of Monty’s jeans.

“Don’t even think about it,” Blake warned.

The pup stopped in his tracks, turning to look at Blake.

“Sit,” Blake instructed.

Chomper scrambled around. Facing Blake, he plunked his bottom down to the floor and sat up tall, gazing expectantly at his owner.

“Good boy,” Blake praised. He walked over and stroked Chomper’s head, handing him a peanut-butter biscuit. The pup snatched it between his teeth, then rushed over to the rug by the fireplace. He lay down, giving the reward his full attention.

“Not bad,” Monty commented.

“That’s Devon’s doing.”

“Really? Does it work on men?”

Blake’s lips twitched. “I wouldn’t know.”

“Well, I would. She’s had me wrapped around her finger since the day she was born.”