“It will work.”

“I’ll need to look at that report of yours,” Devon heard herself say, reaching for the pages. “Just so I can remember which Pierson is which.”

“Here.” Monty thrust them in her hand. “The more I think about that phone call, the more I know Edward Pierson’s got something up his sleeve. Think about it. He’s about to get official confirmation that his son’s dead. His entire family is converging under the worst of circumstances. That means emotional meltdown and, in this case, business upheaval. Tomorrow is going to be the day from hell. So why is Edward calling me tonight, insisting we meet ASAP? Why not wait until the storm has passed?”

Devon was used to going through these mental exercises with Monty. “Because time is of the essence. Edward’s son was murdered. He’s grieving, angry, and impatient. He’s a man who’s used to getting what he wants when he wants it. He’s determined to find Frederick’s killer—yesterday, if not sooner. He’s banking on the fact that you can do that for him. Maybe he’s also hoping to capitalize on your personal relationship with Mom and your brotherhood with the cops.”

“Both, I’m sure. But there’s more to it. He’s done his homework, just like I have. He knows I’m good, and he’s also hoping I have inside information. But he’s got to know I can’t be bought.”

“He’s counting on having superior methods of persuasion, like a six-figure check. Or maybe he’s counting on outsmarting you.”

“Maybe. Or maybe he likes the fact that I won’t sell out. Maybe he figures it’ll translate into my keeping my mouth shut with regard to whatever I turn up in this investigation. A loyal-at-all-costs Sam Spade.”

“Which brings us back to the fact that he has an agenda.”

“Yup. Especially when you add to the mix the argument your mother overheard earlier this week between him and Frederick.”

“What argument?” Devon’s head snapped up. “You didn’t mention any argument.”

“I was about to when my cell phone rang.” Monty filled Devon in on what Sally had told him.

“Whew.” Devon blew out her breath. “A criminal offense that could jeopardize the company. That’s pretty heavy stuff. I wonder who’s guilty. And why Edward didn’t view him that way. Maybe Frederick’s murder changed his mind.”

“And opened his eyes—enough to realize he had to protect what was his. The question is, what is he protecting—a member of his family or the survival of his empire?”

“Or both,” Devon added. “He said nothing to give you any indication?”

“Nope. He wants to discuss it in person. But he definitely wants to keep our meeting under wraps. I’m being escorted to his office through the back entrance. He was blunt about the fact that he doesn’t want to risk any family member seeing me, or knowing I’m being hired.”

“Which could mean one of them is under suspicion.” Devon shrugged. “Or just that he’s trying to spare them further upset.”

“I opt for the first choice. Incidentally, Edward also specified that it’s crucial he gets all relevant information first—another reason I’m his PI of choice. He went out of his way to stress my success ratio and fast turnaround time.”

“First,” Devon repeated. “As in before the cops?”

“Sure sounded that way.”

“That would certainly support the entirety of your theory, including the issue of loyalty.”

“Uh-huh. I could find the killer and help Edward Pierson keep a lid on a nasty Pandora’s box he doesn’t want opened.”

“You’d never withhold evidence.”

“He doesn’t know that. I’ve got a reputation for bending the rules. He’s counting on my willingness to do that, if not for his family, then for mine. And he’s not wrong. I’ve already bent them. I’d do more than that if it meant keeping my family safe.”

“Your family. In this case, that’s Mom,” Devon clarified softly.

“Yeah. It is.” Monty paused, his jaw working. “Look, Devon,” he blurted out. “Your sister’s not here now, so I’m going to be blunt. I’m worried as hell about your mother.”

“Why? Is there something I don’t know?”

“You know everything—including your mother. How long do you think she’s going to stay in hiding—cut off from her kids, her home, her life? A week? Two? Yeah, I’ve made sure she’s safe. But that’s a double-edged sword. Soon her fear will start to subside. She’ll want to come home. There’s a killer out there—one who might still be looking for her. He needs to be behind bars before Sally’s restlessness gets the best of her and puts her directly in the line of fire.”

“You’re right.” Devon dragged both hands through her hair. “I was so relieved when I heard Mom’s voice, realized she was really okay, that I pushed the rest out of my mind. But Williamstown’s just a Band-Aid. The wound’s still there. And you’re the only one who can make it go away fast enough to keep Mom safe. This meeting with Edward Pierson could be a huge step in that direction. It’ll get you in the door.”

“Get us in the door,” Monty corrected. “Me in the back, and you in the front.”