“Don’t be. I’ll fix this.”

“Did the police find the killer? Do they know who he is, or why he killed Frederick?”

“No. Not yet.”

Sally picked up on the gruff censure in Monty’s tone. “Do the police think I did it?”

“They don’t know what to think. But they are looking for you—either as the perp or as a witness. I gave them my take on things. No shocker that I was right. But it’s not the cops I’m worried about. It’s the killer. Like you said, he’s still out there. By now, he knows he screwed up and you’re alive. Which means you’re still a target. There’s no way you can come forward, not without putting yourself in danger. Until he’s found, we’ve got to keep you stashed away.”

“Stashed away—where?”

Monty leaned forward, gripping the phone more tightly. “Remember the plan you and I talked about years ago when I was working undercover?”

A heartbeat of silence. “You mean about how the kids and I could drop out of sight if your cover was blown?”

“That’s the one.”

“You still have those contacts?”

“One of them’s right in your backyard. I’ll get ahold of him. We’ll work out a time frame and I’ll call you back. Give me a half hour to make the arrangements. I’ll call you at the hotel. What room are you in?”

“Three forty-two.”

“Okay, go back and take a hot shower. Have you eaten?”

“Uh-uh. Last night I was too out of it, and today I’m down to a few dollars.”

“Spend them. Buy coffee and a muffin. That’ll tide you over. You’ll get everything you need, including a hot meal, soon. Okay?”

“Okay.” Sally’s voice was getting weaker. “Pete?”

“Enough, Sal. You sound like you’re going to collapse.”

She ignored his reprimand. “The kids—they’re all right?”

“They will be now. They’re all at Devon’s. I’ll drive over there as soon as I’ve got things set. I’ll also call your folks. Now haul your ass back to that hotel. I’ll be in touch in a little while.”

“Thank you, Pete,” she managed before hanging up.

SALLY WAS WRAPPED in a bath towel, sipping a cup of hotel-room-brewed coffee when the phone on the nightstand rang.

“Yes?” she answered cautiously.

“It’s me.” Monty didn’t mince words. “Here’s the scoop. I called my contact. Rod Garner. He’s a good guy and a hell of a cop. We go back twenty-five years. He retired from the Seventy-fifth a couple of years before I did, and moved to Williamstown, Mass. He’s got a wife, plus two married kids, and a slew of grandkids in the area. You’ll be staying with him and his wife, Molly, for as long as necessary. No one will know where you are. Rod’s got ten or fifteen acres, so you don’t have to worry about being spotted. Just hang close to the house and you’ll be fine.”

“Wait,” Sally interrupted. “What about his wife? Won’t she mind?”

“Mind? She’ll be thrilled. Rod’s like an old warhorse. Molly’s heard his cop stories so many times, they put her to sleep. Besides, you two are a lot alike. She loves the great outdoors. And she’s crazy about kids, especially her grandchildren. They’re her life. When she finds out you teach nursery school, she’ll go nuts. Anyway, she and Rod are the only ones who’ll know the truth about why you’re there. If the kids visit, Rod will tell them you’re an old friend who’s going through a rough time and needs a place to sort things out.”


“No buts. Rod’s already on his way to Middlebury. It’ll take him a little over two hours to reach you. So get some rest. He’ll give you a call when he’s fifteen minutes away. At that point, you’ll head down to the lobby, turn in your key, and meet him at the back entrance. He drives a blue Ford Explorer. Any questions?”

“What about the police? You said they’re looking for me.”

“Let ’em look. I’ll give Sergeant Jakes a call, tell him I heard from you, and explain what really went down at that cabin. Then I’ll tell him you’re terrified the killer’s after you, and that you hung up without telling me where you were or where you were headed.”

“Isn’t that aiding and abetting, or obstruction of justice, or something like that?”