Tremors of reaction shuddered through her. “No,” she managed. She pointed to her chest. “My…breath…”

“Shhh, I know.” Slayde nearly sagged with

relief. “ ’Twas just the fall.” Slowly, he rubbed her back. “Relax. Your breathing will return to normal on its own.” Another concerned look. “Your ribs—I tried to shield them as best I could.”

“They’re…fine.” The trembling began to subside as Courtney’s breathing evened out. “Slayde…that man tried to kill me.” She went ashen even as she said it.

“Yes.” The expression in Slayde’s eyes was positively murderous. “He did.”

“Was it Morland?”

“I don’t know. He wore black clothing and a mask that covered his head and face. I couldn’t even make out his build—the darkness made it impossible to distinguish.” A muscle worked in Slayde’s jaw. “But given your excursion to Bencroft’s estate this morning…”

“M’lord! M’lord!” Seaford, the Huntley driver, rushed over. “Are you hurt?”

Slayde rose, hoisting Courtney to her feet, assessing her carefully. “I don’t think so, Seaford.” He hooked an arm about Courtney’s waist. “But we’d best get Miss

Johnston to the inn.” For a split second, he averted his head, searching the now-deserted road before them, a lethal look flashing across his face.

Alongside him, Courtney shifted.

His head whipped around. “Can you walk?”

She nodded. “Nothing is broken.” An anxious glance at Slayde. “What about you? You fell harder than I did.”

“I’m fine.” His tone was harsh, clipped. “Let’s go.”

Neither of them spoke until they reached the inn, both still in shock at what had happened. Slayde took two adjoining rooms, then arranged for hot baths to be brought up shortly.

It seemed like an eternity, but thirty minutes later, Courtney sank gratefully into a steaming tub, letting the warmth soak away her fear and discomfort. She washed herself hastily, eager to banish the memories of what had just occurred, more eager to be finished so she could simply drift, do nothing.

Think nothing.

Rinsing her hair, she relaxed, sliding down until her head rested against the side of the tub, shutting her eyes and emptying her mind.

God, this is heaven, she thought, lulled into a delicious half-sleep. Heaven.

“You look like a beautiful mermaid.” Slayde’s deep voice resounded in her ear. “But the water’s growing cold. Besides, we’ve got to get you to bed.”

Courtney blinked, wondering when Slayde had come into the room. She’d certainly never heard him enter, but there he was, crouched beside her, tucking damp strands of hair off her face.

“I’ll sleep here,” she mumbled.

A chuckle. “Not unless you want to shrivel away to nothing.” He lifted her from the tub, enfolding her in towels and carrying her to the bed.

His warmth felt wonderful. Courtney murmured a protest when he placed her on the sheets, then sighed with contentment when he followed her down, enveloping her against his solid strength. Instinctively, she snuggled closer, rubbing her face against what she discovered to be his bare, damp chest. “That’s right,” she announced, half to herself. “You had a bath, too.”

“Um-hum.” The husky sound tickled her ear. “Then I donned my breeches and came in to check on you. I needed to make sure you were all right.” He swallowed, hard, his voice growing oddly choked. “Are you hungry?”

Awareness won out over fatigue, and Courtney’s lashes lifted, her eyes luminous with emotion as they gazed into his. “No.” She lay a trembling palm against his jaw. “That’s twice you’ve saved my life,” she whispered.

Torment slashed his features. “I didn’t think I’d reach you in time.” His fingers threaded through her damp, tangled hair. “In that split second when I saw the pistol barrel gleam and you standing in its path, the only thoughts that kept running through my mind were that I couldn’t reach you…” He drew a deep, shuddering breath. “And that without you, there’s nothing.”

“Slayde.” She caressed the warmth of his skin, twined her arms about his neck.

“Nothing, Courtney.” He kissed her, first tenderly, then with an urgency like none he’d ever known. “God help me if I’d lost you. God help me…”

Fiercely, Courtney returned Slayde’s kiss, tears burning behind her eyes as she felt, and shared, his desperation. Their love for each other was a miracle—a miracle that, but for the grace of God and the space of a heartbeat, could have been snatched away.