Aurora looked fascinated. “I’ve never been in love.”

“Nor I.”

“Then how can you be so certain? And in so brief a time?”

Courtney’s lips curved. “A very intelligent friend of mine once said, ‘One needn’t touch a flame in order to know it burns.’ ”

“Ah. A wise friend indeed.” Aurora’s eyes sparkled. “Very well, in light of your answer, we must bring Slayde around without delay.”

All humor vanished from Courtney’s face. “You have no idea how formidable a task that promises to be.”

“Don’t underestimate my brother’s feelings for you, Courtney. I believe he’s equally as smitten as you. Which, for a man like Slayde—one who’s accustomed to depending only upon himself—is akin to drowning.”

“ ’Tis more than Slayde’s emotional independence at stake,” Courtney revealed. “It’s…” She paused, weighing her words carefully. She’d vowed to Slayde not to divulge the truth about his fraudulent diamond, and she intended to keep that vow. “He fears for my safety. Not only my safety but the safety of anyone he cares for. He’s sworn to preclude any potential danger by forsaking any future ties.”

Aurora frowned. “The black diamond is gone from our lives, along with its horrifying curse. I gather, therefore, that what you’re telling me has something to do with the Bencrofts and Slayde’s belief that they’re determined to punish us and forever exact their revenge.”

“That’s exactly what I’m telling you. Slayde doesn’t believe the curse lies with the diamond, but with the men who vie for it. Most especially, with the Bencrofts, whose hatred he’s convinced will never be extinguished. You of all people know how staunchly he believes that. ’Tis why he’s so watchful of you and your whereabouts. Well, his protective convictions go far deeper than that.” Courtney met Aurora’s questioning gaze. “To put it bluntly, Slayde refuses to carry on the Huntley name, either through marriage or by siring a child. He’s determined to let the hatred die with him.”

Aurora sat bolt upright. “He told you this? That he intends never to marry or father children?”


To Courtney’s amazement, Aurora clapped her hands together in glee. “This is even more wonderful than I thought.”

“Aurora, did you hear what I just said?”

“Of course I did. The question is, did you?”

“Did I what?” Courtney was beginning to think she’d lost her mind.

“Did you hear what you just said—or rather, implied?” With an impatient shake of her head, Aurora rushed on. “No, evidently you didn’t, or you wouldn’t look so morose. Courtney, why would Slayde be telling you something so pointed, so intimate, if he weren’t falling in love with you? The answer is, he wouldn’t.” She jumped to her feet, nearly dancing about in joyful anticipation. “This task is going to be easier than I thought.”

“The man intends never to marry or sire children,” Courtney repeated—for her own sake as well as Aurora’s. “You don’t find that a bit daunting?”

A shrug. “Not particularly. It doesn’t surprise me; as you yourself just said, I know how certain my brother is that the Bencrofts orchestrated every tragedy the Huntleys have ever endured. Also, given Slayde’s propensity for solitude, I suspect he never envisioned needing anyone, much less loving her, enough to alter his decision. But all that’s changed now. He’s in love. He’s vulnerable.”

“And he’s going to fight it every inch of the way,” Courtney reminded her.

“Indeed.” Aurora’s face lit up. “But then it wouldn’t be a challenge if he didn’t, now would it?”

Unbidden laughter bubbled up inside Courtney. “You’re astonishing.”

“Nothing like Slayde, am I?”

Aurora quipped back.

Sobering, Courtney refuted her friend’s statement. “To the contrary, you’re a great deal more alike than I originally surmised. You’re both strong-willed, loyal, and stubborn, with enormous hearts and brilliant minds. The difference is in the way you express those traits, not in your intrinsic characters.”

“I don’t understand my brother,” Aurora said frankly. “And he understands me even less.”

“I realize that,” Courtney murmured. I also intend to change it, she vowed silently. ’Twill be my special gift to you both; perhaps the only one I can offer to sufficiently thank you for what you’ve given me.

“In any case, each of our tasks is clear,” Aurora concluded. “You must seize every opportunity and use it to make Slayde see the truth: that his love for you is far more pivotal than any foolish vow he made to himself before the two of you met. And that together you can overcome anything, even the Bencrofts.”

“Only that?” Courtney teased. “Tell me, is your task equally as simple?”

“Not simple, but creative. ’Tis my job to ensure that you have innumerable opportunities to do your job.”