“But first you had to lambaste me.”

“I’m not lambasting you. I’m questioning you.”

“Accusing me, you mean.” Aurora pressed on, not awaiting a reply. “I don’t think you realize how strong-minded Courtney is. She needs no one to instill ideas in her head. She does quite well on her own.”

“So she tells me.” The silver fire in Slayde’s eyes banked a bit. “If I’ve been unduly harsh, I apologize.” He cleared his throat. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll join Oridge in the library.”

“Of course.” Aurora watched her brother’s retreating back, a smug smile curving her lips. An apology, she mused. Slayde’s second unprecedented act of the day.

Perhaps it was time to stop seeking adventure outside Pembourne’s iron gates. ’Twould seem that life here was about to become far more interesting.

The library was deserted when Slayde arrived. Puzzled, he walked through the hall, glancing into each room and finding them empty.

“Is something amiss, m’lord?” Siebert inquired from the entranceway.

“I was under the impression Miss Johnston and Mr. Oridge were in the library. Evidently, I was mistaken.”

“I believe they were there for ten minutes or so, sir. Then they each retired to their respective chambers.”

“I see.” Slayde was already in motion, retracing his path up the stairs, this time taking them two at a time.

“Come in,” Courtney responded to his knock.

Slayde stepped inside, immediately spying Courtney where she stood by the open window, gazing out across the drive.

“Are you all right?” Slayde shut the door behind him.

“Yes,” she murmured without turning. “I was just thinking that this window does not provide a full and proper view of your estate. The grounds of Pembourne are far more extensive than I ever anticipated.” Sighing, she pivoted, facing Slayde as a prisoner would a firing squad. “But then, I suspect my encounter with your grounds is precisely the subject you’ve come to address.”

“First tell me why your conversation with Oridge was so brief.”

Courtney fingered the folds of her gown. “Your investigator is a most insightful man. I think he realized I was not myself. And since he intends to remain here most of tomorrow, gathering whatever information he can, he suggested we postpone our in-depth discussion until morning, after which he’ll take one of your ships and leave directly from Devonshire.”

“A sound idea.”

“ ’Twas Mr. Oridge’s.” Courtney tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, her mouth curving impishly. “But, given you think the suggestion is sound, I’m sure you guessed whose idea it was. I have the distinct feeling you don’t think much of my ideas at the moment.”

Slayde didn’t return her smile. “So Aurora was speaking the truth. You did initiate this afternoon’s foolhardy stunt.”

“You’ve already spoken to Aurora?” Courtney shook her head in exasperation. “I wish you had more faith in your sister. She’s neither an idiot nor a child. And she’s certainly not a liar. I hope you didn’t vent your rage at her.”

“I started to. She stopped me.”

“Good. Because she truly tried to dissuade me from going. I wouldn’t listen.”

“Why not?”

Courtney’s lashes fanned her cheeks. “You know the answer to that. I need to do something. I thought perhaps a conversation with Mr. Scollard would provide some sort of sign.”

Slayde crossed over, gripped her shoulders. “A sign of what? Whether your father is alive? Courtney, Mr. Scollard is just a man, not a god—regardless of what Aurora has told you.”

A painful silence.

“Courtney…” Slayde wanted to recall his words and shake some sense into her all at once.

“Slayde, this is a futile argument. Besides, we have more important things to discuss.” Tilting back her head, Courtney searched his face. “Did you learn anything in Dartmouth?”

“Not much.” Slayde’s gaze fell immediately to her lips. Damn. What was there about this woman that reduced every ounce of his resolve, his long-standing vows to ashes? He’d spent the entire carriage ride to Dartmouth reminding himself why he had to keep away from her, to disregard the pull between them. Yet here he was, home not an hour, and all he could think of was holding her in his arms, tasting her mouth.