
“That’s all I needed to hear.” Slayde shut the sitting room door, clasping Courtney’s hand in his.

Instantly, Aurora’s head came up. “Are we about to hear your wonderful news—the news I wouldn’t listen to because I was too excited about Lexley’s homecoming?”

Slayde nodded. “Yes, although given the magnitude of your surprise, we forgive you for delaying our announcement.”

“Announcement?” Now, Aurora jumped to her feet. “Is it what I think it is? What I hope it is? What I’ve prayed it is?”

Laughter rumbled from Slayde’s chest. “I suspect it might be.” He turned to Lexley. “I realize you’re exhausted. But before you go up to rest, Courtney wanted you to be here, to join Aurora in being the first to know. And I quite agree.” He stared at Courtney’s small hand clasped in his, thanking the stars for teaching him that miracles did exist, for blessing him by bringing this extraordinary miracle into his life. “Courtney has agreed to bestow upon me the greatest gift I could ever ask for—her hand in marriage.”

“I knew it!” Aurora shot across the room, flinging her arms about Courtney and giving her a fierce hug. “Oh, Courtney, I knew it from the moment we met. If anyone could unlock that bloody stubborn heart of Slayde’s, it was you. I’m so happy for you—for both of you.” She drew back, her eyes shining. “Think about it—we’re going to be sisters, cohorts for life.”

“God help us,” Slayde muttered.

Sobering, Aurora turned to her brother, making a move to embrace him, then hesitating—uncomfortable, uncertain. “I needn’t tell you how lucky you are,” she said. “I’m so grateful you found Courtney before it was too late…not only for her, but for you. At last you can bid that lonely man good-bye.”

“I agree.” With a new and unknown instinct, Slayde squeezed Aurora’s shoulder, bending to brush his lip

s across her brow. “Do you know, you’re very insightful—for a child? Then again, you’re not a child anymore, are you?”

An understanding glint flashed in Aurora’s eyes. “No. I’m not.”

“I’ll try to remember that.”

“I’ll remind you if you forget.”

“I’m sure you will.” Slayde grinned, aware of Courtney’s brilliant smile, feeling it wash through him and propel his own astounding metamorphosis yet another step.

“Marriage.” Lexley had struggled to his feet and was now making his way toward them, beaming ear to ear. “How wonderful. I…” He caught Courtney’s hands in his. “Your father would be so proud, so happy. More than anything, he wanted you to find the kind of love he shared with your mother. Well, you obviously have. Even an old man like me can see the exhilaration on your face.”

“You’re not old,” Courtney refuted, her voice faltering. “Further, I expect you to regain every ounce of your strength. I’ll need you to escort me down the aisle to embrace my future. Papa would have wanted it that way. So do I.”

Lexley’s eyes were unashamedly damp. “I’d be honored.” He turned to Slayde. “You’re a fine man. Take good care of her.”

“You have my word.”

“When?” Aurora demanded. “When is this wonderful day to occur?”

“I’m in the process of acquiring a special license,” her brother answered. “As far as I’m concerned, the vows can be exchanged on the day it arrives. But that’s up to Courtney. I want this wedding to be everything she’s ever dreamed of.” Slayde’s lips twitched. “Which probably means she’ll want to plan it with you. In writing. With a copy submitted to the Times.”

Aurora’s eyes widened. “He knows?” she asked Courtney.

“He knows. I told him.”

“Oh, Lord.”

“We have a great deal to discuss,” Slayde assured her, exchanging glances with Courtney. “But first, I’m going to escort Lexley to his chambers.”

“That won’t be necessary, m’lord,” the sailor murmured. “I can find my way.”

“Even I get lost at Pembourne and it’s my home,” Slayde countered. “So let’s have no arguments. I distinctly heard my betrothed order you to rest and regain your strength.”

A weak smile. “I can’t very well argue with that.”

“No, you can’t.” Slayde opened the sitting-room door. “I’ll return shortly,” he advised Courtney, his knuckles brushing her cheek. “You and Aurora wait for me here.”

She nodded her understanding. “We will.”