“Then you’ll offer me a position?”

“What good would a job do, you fool? Stanwyk isn’t a sanctuary from Newgate. Bow Street would simply come here, rather than Pembourne, to collect you. Not only you,” she added, her fingers tightening about her brooch, “but me, as well.”

“What shall we do?”

“I’m afraid that to remain in England is no longer an option. The only solution is to leave the country—now.” A delicate frown. “Armon is dead,” she mused aloud. “That leaves only you and Grimes. And Grimes is so unreliable. I did a thorough job of convincing him to keep quiet about the fact that I was forced to eliminate Armon, but he is so easily intimidated. Lord only knows what he’ll tell Lord Pembourne under pressure.”

“In that case, do we dare leave him behind?” Miss Payne asked.

“No. No one can be left behind.” Elinore’s eyes narrowed thoughtfully. “No one at all.” With that, she gave a firm nod. “Here’s what I want you to do. Ride to Dartmouth and alert Grimes to the situation. Both of you wait for me there. I’ll pack my things and make arrangements for safe passage to the continent. Then I’ll join you. By sunset, you’ll be gone.”

“Will Grimes cooperate—leave England on such short notice?”

A reassuring smile. “Grimes will present no problem.”

Grimes was pacing beside Miss Payne, wiping sweat from his brow, when Elinore arrived. The viscountess climbed gracefully down from her phaeton, pausing only to remove a solitary bag before gliding toward her waiting companions.

“Listen, your ladyship,” Grimes began, “I don’t know what the hell’s goin’ on here. I know you keep me in business. Hell, you buy ninety percent of the jewels I get my hands on—with or without Armon alive to supply them. But the only pirates and smugglers I know are here in England. I don’t have a clue who to connect with on the continent.”

“Why are you bothering to tell me all this?” Elinore inquired. She glanced down to ensure that her bag was beside her, safe, Grimes’s claim reminding her that it would be some time before she secured another fence—certainly one as accomplished and easily manipulated as he. Well, ’twas a small and temporary setback. She had an extensive collection to content herself with in the interim. Why, the black diamond alone could occupy her for weeks, simply admiring its facets, marveling at its incomparable beauty.

Grimes was regarding her oddly. “What do you mean, why am I tellin’ you this? Miss Payne says we’re leavin’ the country.”

“Is that what Miss Payne said?” Elinore raised inquisitive brows. “She was mistaken.” Swiftly, she extracted a pistol from beneath her mantle. “I’m leaving the country. You’re simply leaving.”

A shot rang out, striking the barrel of Elmore’s pistol.

With a cry of surprise, she dropped it.

Oridge stepped out of the trees, his own gun aimed carefully at Elinore. “I think you’ve killed enough people, Lady Stanwyk.”

“More than enough,” Slayde concurred, striding around to confront Elinore. “If you were a man, I’d beat you senseless,” he ground out from between clenched teeth.

“I harbor no such reservations.” Courtney stalked out from her concealed position, marching directly up to Elinore, who watched Courtney’s approach without so much as batting a lash.

“You’re a monster,” Courtney bit out. “A murderous, cold-hearted monster. Well, this is for Slayde’s parents. For Papa. And for the pain that learning of your guilt will cause Aurora.” Courtney drew back her hand and slapped Elinore across the face with all her might. “I hope you and your jewels rot in prison.”

“Rot?” Elinore scarcely flinched, looking more amused than pained. “That’s where you’re mistaken, Courtney dear—you, Slayde, Aurora, and all the other ignorant fools you just mentioned. ’Tis people who rot. Jewels, on the other hand endure.” An odd light flickered in Elinore’s eyes. “They endure forever.”



One eye opened and regarded the semidark room. “Aurora, what time is it?”

“Half after five,” Aurora declared cheerfully. “Far too late to sleep on one’s birthday.” She yanked off the bedcovers, tugged at Courtney’s arms. “Come.”

“Come? Where?” Both eyes were open now, the final wisps of sleep gradually eclipsed by amusement. “Not even the birds are awake yet


“Oh, yes they are.” Undaunted, Aurora hugged her friend. “Happy birthday,” she said. “Oh, Courtney, by next week at this time, you’ll be my sister.”

“I know.” Courtney returned her friend’s embrace, then eased back to study her expression, for the first time in days seeing the old Aurora. “Are you all right?”

With a prolonged sigh, Aurora nodded, her jubilant mood temporarily held at bay. “Yes. I’m sorry I’ve been so morose all week.”

“You needn’t apologize. You were in shock. ’Tis just that it hurt me so to see you in pain. And I felt helpless to appease it.”