Every muscle in Ashford's body went rigid. "Don't even consider searching the place," he commanded. "I'm warning you, Noelle. If you do, I'll call a halt to this entire plan, walk into the Franco, and carry you out bodily."

"All right, all right." Seeing his reaction, Noelle held up her palms, dismissing the notion at once. "I won't budge from André's side. As for danger, there won't be any. I'll make sure we arrive there at the height of the afternoon, when the gallery is filled with customers. Also, don't forget that Grace will be with us."

"And afterwards?"

Noelle shot him a teasing look. "Grace and I will come directly home. Unless, of course, you want to meet me at one of those private spots André alluded to. In that case, I might be convinced to elude Grace and stay out later."

Ashford still wasn't smiling. He massaged the back of his neck, scowling down at the floor. "I don't like this, Noelle. You're getting in over your head. I don't want you with Sardo, except when I can scrutinize and, if necessary, act on his every move. And I sure as hell don't want you near Baricci."

"We need answers."

"Not this way." Ashford's scowl deepened. "If you do make this visit, I'm following you. Don't worry about my being spotted," he added, cutting off her protest with a wave of his hand. "I'll keep a healthy distance away. I'm extremely good at remaining undetected." The irony of his statement would have been comical had the situation not been so unnerving. "Arguing with me is useless. You're not going without me. Period."

Noelle shrugged. "Fine. Just don't let André see you."

"I'll manage," Ashford returned dryly. "In any event, you'll have to make an excuse to Sardo, delay this visit—as well as your portrait sittings—for several days."

"Because of my trips to Lord Mannering's house?"

"Partly. And partly because I don't want Sardo anywhere near you without my being there."

Now Noelle looked surprised. "Why won't you be there? I thought you said you were leaving for London right away."

"I'm leaving Southampton right away," Ashford corrected. "I have one stop to make before I ride on to Town. It will only take an extra day or two. After which. I'll be on my way to London."

Noelle's pause was thoughtful, and Ashford could almost read her mind, see the questions darting through her beautiful head. "May I ask where you're going?"

Ashford weighed his words carefully. "Somewhere that will help me reassess that commitment I mentioned."

"Somewhere—or to someone?"


"I see." Noelle averted her gaze, fingering the folds of her gown. Then she walked over to the settee, leaned against its arm, and lifted her gaze to once again meet his. "I'll put André off until you arrive," she stated simply. "I'll feign exhaustion if I have to. Papa will be delighted to act as my messenger—and my sentry. Besides, my main objective is to see Lady Mannering's maid. I intend to do that, several times if need be, until she tells me what she knows. Hopefully, by that time you'll have completed your other business."

Crossing over, Ashford caressed Noelle's cheek. "Count on it."

A smile. "I will."

He gazed down at her, his thoughts jumbled, torn between overwhelming emotion and stark worry that his absence would give her the opportunity to do something foolish and reckless in order to close in on Baricci. "Promise me you won't go anywhere with Sardo until I arrive."

Clearly she sensed his turmoil, because she agreed without pause or protest. "I promise. Now you promise me something."

Ashford's expression grew guarded. "Such as?"

"Don't tell Papa of my intentions to visit Baricci's gallery. Not yet. He'll find out soon enough. But I don't want to worry him days ahead of when I'll be going."

He hesitated for a moment, then relented. "Fine. I'll say nothing, for now. But my promise only applies until I arrive in London. I won't keep something from your father that might enable you to slip off and get into trouble."

"Ah, but what if I've already done that by the time you arrive?"

"You just promised me you wouldn't."

"I promised I wouldn't go anywhere with Sardo. I said nothing about going off on my own. Who knows what sort of mischief I might get into, left unguarded by my knight in shining armor?"

Ashford grinned, recognizing he was being baited. "Then I suppose your knight in shining armor will have to appoint a substitute to guard you in his stead. I'll speak with Grace, warn her of your restless intentions, and instruct her to stick to you like a gumdrop."

Noelle winced. "You win. I'll stay put. Other than my visits to the Mannering house," she added quickly.